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Tax Revolt Poll Results: See what tax is most revolting! 19 Apr 2011 | 01:57 am

The results of the Online Tax Revolt poll are in and opinions are clear… The most revolting tax is the Death Tax (47%) and a close second is the Income tax (42%). The greatest tax reformer in U.S. H...

What tax do you find most revolting? Take the Tax Revolt Poll 16 Apr 2011 | 07:13 am

What tax do you find most revolting? Who is the greatest tax reformer in American History? These are some of the questions we are asking in our Tax Revolt Poll. Take a moment to fill out this 4-ques...

Presidential Avatars Are on the Move… 4 Apr 2011 | 03:22 am

Nearly 300,000 American Patriots are marching online to Washington D.C. to DEMAND transformational tax reform, a halt to unsustainable spending, deficits, waste and DEMAND new leadership.  The early t...

Tax Day Revolt Crisis! 29 Mar 2011 | 06:04 am

Tsunami. Earthquake. Nuclear meltdown. Tunisia. Egypt. Libya…the news is full of emergencies overseas. As bad as they are, these foreign born events have distracted Americans from a dire Emergency ri...

Tax Day April 18? Why the extra 3 days? 26 Mar 2011 | 01:48 am

Tax Day April 18? Why the extra 3 days? You get three extra days to file your taxes this year. They’ll be due on Mon., April 18. The bonus days come thanks to Emancipation Day, a little-known Washin...

The Avatars on the March Again! This time they are Presidential. 12 Mar 2011 | 10:23 am

Tax Day, April 15th, is upon us. Last year, the Online Tax Revolt brought together more than 300,000 American Patriots, in-person and online to our Nation’s Capitol. The Rally was featured on Fox New...

Another “Shellacking” for Obama 12 Mar 2011 | 02:10 am

Last year, the biggest Tax Revolt Rally in American History, the Online Tax Revolt, led directly to the 2010 elections, and a huge conservative anti-tax, anti-spending, Conservative victory! In his o...

OUR GOAL: The Largest Tax Revolt in United States History – 500,000 Patriots Strong! 11 Mar 2011 | 10:19 pm

The Online Tax Revolt 2011 will be the largest in Tax Revolt in US history – setting a goal of 500,000 patriots marching online and in-person to Washington D.C. for Tax Day 2011. This year people wil...

Write the White House with a Message of Compassion and Common Sense 30 Jun 2010 | 02:37 am

Don’t Let the IRS kick our Gulf Coast citizens while they are down! The Online Tax Revolt Avatars are on the march again–this time for our fellow Americans on the Gulf Coast. Help us stop the latest ...

IRS wants taxes from BP payments for lost wages 26 Jun 2010 | 11:19 am

WASHINGTON (AP) _ The Internal Revenue Service wants its cut from oil spill victims who receive BP payments for lost wages. Under current law, BP payments for lost wages are taxable _ just like the w...

Related Keywords:

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