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Awesome iPhone 5 Concept Video 8 Sep 2012 | 12:46 am
Seems like someone put an ‘iPhone 5′ concept video together using all the iPhone 5 rumors that have been floating around on the internet. They also added some cool features that I’m sure us Apple/iPho...
How To Factory Unlock iPhone 4S/4/3Gs/3G Any BASEBAND FOREVER! 6 Sep 2012 | 01:49 am
I know you guys have probably heard of this iPhone factory unlock method already! A lot of companies and websites are doing and it’s been out for sometime now! However, the price (yes it’s not free) v...
How To Jailbreak iOS 6 Beta 1 iPhone 4, 3GS and iPod Touch 4 15 Jun 2012 | 12:27 am
This post will show you how to jailbreak iOS 6 beta 1. Now this jailbreak is tethered, so you will have to boot tethered every time your battery dies, your device reboots or you power off it off. This...
How To Install NEW iOS 6 (FREE) Without a Dev Account 14 Jun 2012 | 10:55 pm
This post will show you how to install iOS 6 beta 1 free without a developer’s account. Follow the video below for futher instructions. Things You’ll Need: • iOS 5.1.1 IPSW get it here. • iOS 6 Beta 1...
How To Get and Update To iOS 6 Beta 1 13 Jun 2012 | 07:39 am
This post will show you how to update to iOS 6 Beta 1. There is currently no free option to do this. You must register your UDID and you can do so by clicking here. As soon as there is, I will do a po...
How To Downgrade iOS 6 To iOS 5.1.1 12 Jun 2012 | 05:50 pm
This post will show you how to downgrade iOS 6 to iOS 5.1.1. This process is super easy and you shouldn’t have any problems, if you run into any problem, check out the links at the bottom of the post ...
iOS 6 Beta Downloads 12 Jun 2012 | 05:48 am
Here you can download iOS 6 beta firmwares. Firmwares include iPad 2, New iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPod Touch 4th generation. The downloads here are faster than a lot of other sites, ...
How To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 & Preserve Baseband iPhone 4/3Gs iPod Touch 4G/3G & iPad 27 May 2012 | 07:00 am
This post will show you how to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered and preserve your baseband on iPhone 4/3Gs iPod Touch 4G/3G & iPad using Sn0wbreeze – v2.9.4 ************ Disclaimer ************** You ar...
Top 10 NEW iPad/ iPad 3,2,1 Cydia Tweak [2012] 26 May 2012 | 06:05 am
Since the New iPad just got it’s first jailbreak, i figured i’d do a top iPad tweaks video. In this post I list my Top 10 iPad Cydia tweaks for The New iPad, iPad 2 and iPad 1. Some are free and some ...
NEW UNTETHERED 5.1.1 Jailbreak iPad 3, 2, iPhone4S, 4, 3GS iPod Touch 4, 3 – Absinthe 2.0 26 May 2012 | 01:37 am
This post will shows you how to UNTETHERED jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3rd and 4th generation, iPad 2 and The New iPad/ iPad 3 using Absinthe 2.0 for both Wi...