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The State of Recruiting: February 2012. 14 Feb 2012 | 03:48 pm
The 2012 class offered Hoke & Co. the first full year to recruit their own class in its entirety. So how did it turn out and how does it compare to Michigan recruiting of the past? Let’s jump right in...
Penn State: Nothing beside remains. 24 Jan 2012 | 06:53 pm
I write this piece because I echo a lot of Brian’s sentiments in his post today, and his intro, “[y]ou can’t throw a rock today without hitting a piece on Joe Paterno, and I’ll add my bit” is probably...
Sid Gillman rolled over in his grave. 15 Jan 2012 | 09:29 am
Watching the BCS National Championship game I can’t help but be embarrassed that this game got so much press and so many people clamored for a rematch. Look, I understand both teams have good defense,...
Pitchforks Brewing in Happy Valley 7 Jan 2012 | 04:17 pm
Quick. Someone give John U Bacon unfettered access to Penn State for the next three years. EDSBS gives an awesome take – definitely worth a read, but it’s obvious it’s not positive. And, this has alr...
Beating the Michael Weinreb horse 6 Jan 2012 | 04:45 pm
While I was penning the rough draft of this post at work I read Hoover Street’s “Deserve Victory” on nearly the same topic. Unfortunately I already had enough of what I wanted to say spelled out and I...
The Michigan Case for Dunn 7 Dec 2011 | 07:33 pm
my bologna has a first name its u-r-b-a-n my bologna has a seconds name its m-e-y-e-r i love to eat it every day and if you ask me why i’ll say cause urban meyer has a way with b-r-a-x-t-o-n As I ...
Occuppy Ann Arbor 27 Nov 2011 | 12:27 pm
After a full season off… I return to post, and coming with it will be the return of the blog, after sticking mostly to twitter for most of the year. So for those of you who enjoyed the blog, be happy....
OHHW Returns, Spring Game Observations 18 Apr 2011 | 04:16 am
After a month or two off (for all intents and purposes) from blogging due to some family health issues, I return to blogging with spring game impressions, which I’m sure are all-too-common right now. ...
OSU: The Gift that Keeps on Giving 10 Mar 2011 | 02:50 pm
Yesterday I wrote that catching Tressel for not-reporting a potential violation felt kind of like putting away Capone for tax evasion; cheap. Okay, so I admit my dream scenario still involves catching...
Jim Tressel, OSU, the Volstead Act 9 Mar 2011 | 02:47 pm
Jim Tressel has a battle ahead of him. OSU just announced that Tressel will serve a 2-game suspension, pay a $250,000 fine, and be required to attend a seminar on not breaking NCAA rules. That’s self-...