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A Telematics Discussion 4 May 2007 | 07:53 pm
Don’t miss this very interesting Telematics Discussion on TFF’s blog (telematics Freedom Foundation). It really worths a reading.
Free Telematics: a model for the democratic control of telematic services 26 Apr 2007 | 03:50 am
It is not enough for citizens to be told to have certain rights as users of a given telematic service, under a license (such as FLOSS), or a legislations (such a national and global privacy protection...
Plone Sprint – Sorrento 2007 26 Mar 2007 | 10:46 pm
We had Alec Mitchell in the office today, to give us a ZOPE 3 Architecture overview, and to look at some architectural aspects for our upcoming Open Source product, PloneGroups (blog here), which will...
ParTecs Plone Widgets go sourceforge 14 Jan 2007 | 03:39 am
I am happy to announce that our major GPL Plone Widgets will be now maintained and released on PloneSkype [download] [stats] [join the devel mailing list] PloneInvite [download] [st...
PloneCaptcha 1.0.2 released 12 Jan 2007 | 06:14 am
We got a new release, with community contributed code Thanks indyone, Tristan and Doc Walker. Prevent your site from getting spammed; Change username and password from the ZMI; Listen t...
TestableEmailer – Version 0.9.1 Released 29 Jun 2006 | 11:20 pm
This is a bug fix version that addresses some problems related to persistence. This tool itself has been well tested from the automated acceptance test suite of our soon to be released PloneConsensus....
TestableEmailer – Enables you to write automated tests for emailing functionality 31 May 2006 | 06:25 pm
Let us say that you have an application that includes an e-mail notification system. Essentially when certain application specific events happen, certain users are automatically notified by e-mail abo...
PloneSkype-1.0.2 version is released. 11 Apr 2006 | 09:37 pm
We are happy to announce that the PloneSkype-1.0.2 version is released. This is a bug fix version where it doesn’t crash the site if anonymous user creates document(page)( if site allows anonymous use...
Multifile Widget 10 Apr 2006 | 09:34 pm
Ever wanted to allow users to upload more than one file as an attachment to a document, akin to Gmail’s web interface? The new Multifile Widget will allow you to do that. The picture below should illu...
PloneSkype-1.0.1 patch 7 Apr 2006 | 11:42 pm
Bug Description : If the document is cretaed by anonymous user(If annonymous users have permissions to add document), then it crashes the site as plone doesn’t create member data for anonymous users. ...