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Congratulations! 24 Jun 2009 | 05:14 pm
Congratulations to those of my colleagues who made it through the two year probationary period. I’m glad to see so many of you still on campus.
Rough Patches 17 Jan 2009 | 07:03 pm
Hello, everyone. After seeing a couple of new comments come in, I decided I should go ahead and post something I’d been working on for a while. I haven’t posted for two reasons: The academy gave me...
Graduation 15 Jan 2008 | 03:18 pm
Today was our graduation. Congressman Conyers was kind enough to attend and speak at our ceremony, as did Under Secretary Dudas and Deputy Under Secretary Peterlin. Congressman Conyers was presented ...
Re: Who Trains Whom? 9 Jan 2008 | 12:48 pm
JPE has an interesting post about how examiners are really trained… via the attorneys and agents who respond to our office actions. I don’t have quite as much to say on the matter as JPE does, but I ...
“Proficiency” 20 Dec 2007 | 03:00 am
We had the proficiency exam today. I haven’t had any posts in a while, mainly because we haven’t been having lectures. The move to the TC is soon, however (the week of the 7th), and I should have mo...
“Workshop…” 7 Dec 2007 | 04:42 am
Today we had an amendment workshop, in which we got some practice materials (for those of us who haven’t yet responded to amendments).
“Prepare Yourself…” 4 Dec 2007 | 03:37 pm
Today we had another MPEP preparatory session, although this one was more general and aimed at improving our test taking ability overall. We went over some questions, discussed answers, and heard abo...
“131 Part II…” 21 Nov 2007 | 02:03 pm
Today was part two of our 131 affidavit lectures. One of the things that strikes me as incredibly interesting about the lectures on 131s is that it doesn’t seem to be straightforward. Perhaps I shou...
“Briefly…” 20 Nov 2007 | 03:52 pm
Note: Lay-person explanation below. Note 2: Spam got so bad in the comments that I had to move to new spam-blocking software. If your comments aren’t being posted in a timely fashion, send me an em...
“Stop Interfering!” 15 Nov 2007 | 02:26 pm
We had two lectures today, both from representatives of the BPAI (Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences). The first lecture dealt with interferences. The easiest way to sum it up would be “find s...