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New PEERtrainer Guide To Weight Loss Resistance 27 Aug 2012 | 08:06 pm
Jason Boehm just finished a new guide to helping people identify and overcome Weight Loss Resistance. Numerous conditions create weight loss resistance. Some might be obvious. For instance, too much c...
“The Best Decision I Ever Made” 10 Aug 2012 | 02:20 am
PEERtrainer Fresh Start Cleanser Jessica wrote this glowing email to us after participating in the cleanse: This program is the best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve lost weight, I feel great, and I feel...
Large Containers Of Vegalite Now Available! 26 Jul 2012 | 03:18 am
In case you have not had the chance to visit the PEERtrainer web store recently, we are now offering containers of Vegalite in a LARGE size! Each order of the large Vegalite will provide enough protei...
How To Plan A High Protein Meal If You Are Vegetarian Or Vegan 19 Jul 2012 | 03:35 am
It is a common misconception that vegetarians and vegans cannot get enough protein, or cannot get as high of quality of protein. While this is often true in the “typical vegetarian/vegan diet”, which ...
New Cleanse Announced For July! 1 Jul 2012 | 11:04 pm
JJ and Jackie have just announced that there will be a new cleanse beginning July 16th, 2012: the “Heart of the Summer” Fresh Start Cleanse! If you are new to the cleanse and have never done it befor...
Feeling Fine Today! 28 Jun 2012 | 11:57 pm
Fresh Start cleanser “irishmama” recently heard the “best compliment ever” after completing the recent cleanse: Holy guacamole. I just got the best compliment ever. This guy who I see at the grocery...
Falling Asleep Naturally 25 Jun 2012 | 01:35 am
Sleep is incredibly important to detoxification–it’s your body’s prime downtime, and without it (or enough of it) our body begins to get slowly worn down. When this happens, it’s like a machine withou...
Why Diet Soda Doesn’t Help You Lose Weight 23 Jun 2012 | 07:56 am
Holly Klamer has written a new article for PEERtrainer about why diet soda doesn’t actually help people lose weight even though it doesn’t actually contain any calories! The answer is pretty interesti...
Put Your Whole Being Into It And You WILL Succeed! 18 Jun 2012 | 02:51 am
Here are some wonderful, encouraging words to those of you struggling right now from repeat Fresh Start cleanser “rightpath”: You will be so glad that you bought all the supplements–I think they real...
Who Here Knows An Underminer? 17 Jun 2012 | 12:40 am
Vivienne Palmer has written a new, humorous article for PEERtrainer about dealing with her husband Lonny “the Underminer”. Here is a brief excerpt from her piece: Just when I get us all on a good tra...