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UPDATE: theHarvester 2.2a! 13 Feb 2013 | 10:13 pm

Our first post regarding theHarvester can be found here. Now, the author has released an update – theHarvester version 2.2a. “theHarvester is a tool for gathering emails, subdomains, hosts, employee ...

UPDATE: Zed Attack Proxy 2.0.0! 13 Feb 2013 | 05:59 am

Wow! It’s been some time since we last posted about ZAProxy! Our first post regarding the Zed Attack Proxy or the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy can be found here. Now, an updated Zed Attack Proxy version 2.0...

UPDATE: Netzob 0.4.1! 13 Feb 2013 | 01:46 am

Our first post regarding Netzob can be found here. Sometime ago, an update - Netzob 0.4.1 – was made available to us. This release has been code named -  ”WaddlingPeccary“. While the previous release ...

UPDATE: Hashkill 0.3.1! 12 Feb 2013 | 09:35 pm

Our first post regarding Hashkill can be found here. Recently, an update – Hashkill 0.3.1 was released. “Hashkill is an open-source password recovery tool. Its features are: Multi-threaded so that i...

UPDATE: Sleuth Kit 4.0.2! 6 Feb 2013 | 03:39 pm

Two days ago, The Sleuth Kit was updated! We now have The Sleuth Kit version 4.0.2. Our first post about The Sleuth Kit or TSK can be found here.  This release has bug fixes and some new minor feature...

UPDATE: WAppEx 2.0! 6 Feb 2013 | 01:07 pm

Our first post about WAppEx can be found here. Recently, an update – WAppEx 2.0 was made available! This release is a huge leap from the previous one (version 1.0) and as such has been given a major v...

UPDATE: SQLNinja 0.2.999-alpha1! 6 Feb 2013 | 10:40 am

We finally have a SQLNinja update! We first covered the awesome tool here! We now have SQLNinja version 0.2.999-alpha1! This is the first alpha of the new release, with all the newest cool stuff like ...

UPDATE: NOWASP Mutillidae 2.4.3! 6 Feb 2013 | 08:30 am

Our first post regarding NOWASP (Codename Mutillidae) can be found here. Recently an update – NOWASP (Codename Mutillidae) version 2.4.3 – was released. This release comes a new sqlmap target page wit...

UPDATE: Mobius Forensic Toolkit 0.5.16! 6 Feb 2013 | 06:19 am

Mobius Forensic Toolkit is being continuously developed and it has been recently updated! The bug fixed release is Mobius Forensic Toolkit version 0.5.16. “Mobius Forensic Toolkit is a forensic frame...

UPDATE: Ettercap Assimilation! 6 Feb 2013 | 03:06 am

Ettercap, codenamed Assimilation has been recently released! From the looks of it, seems like they have fixed the multiple denial of service attacks. “Ettercap is a comprehensive suite for ma...

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