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A specific beef: Off-site “virtual resources” should open in their own browser windows 21 Aug 2008 | 07:00 am
Since we are no longer permitted to point buyers to our single-property web sites in the Remarks section of the listing, we have been building “unbranded” versions of the sites to link to as virtual r...
My blossoming love affair with flexMLS, the new MLS system adopted by the Arizona Regional Multiple Listings Service 16 Aug 2008 | 04:45 pm
This is the F.Q. Story Historic District in Downtown Phoenix as rendered by the flexMLS MLS system recently adopted by the Arizona Regional Multiple Listings Service. ARMLS is 30,000 Realtors working...
New FlexMLS system is a bold stride into the twenty-first century for Phoenix-area Multiple Listings Service 6 Aug 2008 | 08:52 am
This is my column for last week from the Arizona Republic (permanent link). New FlexMLS system is a bold stride into the twenty-first century for Phoenix-area Multiple Listings Service Metropolita.....
FlexMLS wish lists: You’re running into problems, so let’s share them and see about getting them corrected 30 Jul 2008 | 01:47 pm
I’ll have a positive column about FlexMLS in West Valley sections of the Republic later this week, but I’m sure you all know that not everything is sweetness and light in the MLS world of Phoenix just...
Check your ZipForms templates: They’re probably obsolete 27 May 2008 | 03:08 am
Here’s a cute bug I just discovered last week: When AAR updates a form, as it does with wanton abandon, you are obliged to download that revised form into ZipForms. Hurray! Everything is always up t...
FlexMLS Beta Testing Underway 10 May 2008 | 11:00 am
A group of us in the land of ARMLS have been testing away with an early version of our new MLS system. I used to write code for Bell Labs and others, but never made a living as a system tester, so it...
The Foreclosure Blackhole So Dark Not Even Light Can Escape 18 Apr 2008 | 10:23 am
I’m a stats guy. I love crunching numbers, but sometimes it is difficult to comprehend what the numbers truly mean without a good visual representation . For the last couple of weeks I have been devel...
Now that ARMLS has its own weblog for the flexmls transition, how should The Phoenix Real Estate Technology Exchange refocus its efforts? 17 Apr 2008 | 02:36 am
When we started this weblog last October, my own objective was to have a place where tech-savvy Phoenix-area Realtors could discuss technology issues, sharing that information with our less tech-obses...
See FlexMLS Live and in Person 1 Apr 2008 | 03:29 am
I’m involved with the Scottsdale Area Association of REALTORS® and helping to organize a Technology Symposium schedule for the morning of April 25th. In addition to guest speaker Keith T. Garner, Ma...
flexmls Web Preview 29 Mar 2008 | 09:17 am
Here’s another video previewing flexmls Web. The video provided earlier wasn’t loading well for IE users, so we’re tying this one out. Let me know if you have any trouble viewing it. Copyright © 20...