Phpinterviewquestions - - PHP Interview Questions

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Regular oral questions in an ad-hoc interview 28 Jun 2012 | 12:57 am

What is an abstract class? or by giving an example they ask what is it called? Give a practical example? What is method/function overloading and overriding? What is MVC? and specially they ask abou...

Following operations are true or false? (Operator Precedence) 18 Mar 2012 | 08:26 pm

$a will out put false, while $b will out put true and what is the reason for this? These are small aspects but very important a programmer must know. In the first phrase it uses “&&” operator to bind...

Write a simple query to get the second largest value of a table column? 17 Mar 2012 | 04:54 pm

There are many ways that we can write this, But the simplest way in mysql is, SELECT * FROM country ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1, 1 plus there are some other methods as well, SELECT * FROM country ORD...

PHP String conversions – what is the out put of the following code snnipet? 1 Mar 2012 | 08:13 pm

In the above snippet; it will out put the ’2400 is greater’, which is correct. but what if the (int) is removed from the snippet. Then the answer will be “800 is greater”, which is incorrect. Theref...

What is the newest class introduced for request parameter handling in cakephp2.0? 25 Feb 2012 | 09:09 pm

CakeRequest is the class introduced in cakephp2.0 and it will replace $this->params. The Query parameters or the GET method parameters are handled as follows, The POST method parameters are handled ...

When migrating to cakephp2.0, how will the following file names may change? 24 Feb 2012 | 12:50 am

my_first_controller.php fort.php (a Helper) mess.php (a Component) Answer is, MyFirstController.php FortHelper.php MessComponent.php There are lot of changes in the migration guide2.0 of the ca...

What is the use of “Final class” and can a final class be an abstract? 10 Feb 2011 | 11:46 pm

The “Final” keyword is used to make the class uninheritable. So the class or it’s methods can not be overridden. An Abstract class will never be a final class as an abstract class must be extendable.

Explain abstract class and its behaviour? 8 Feb 2011 | 07:34 pm

Abstract class is defined as a solitary entity, so other classes can inherit from it. An abstract  class can not be instantiated, only the subclasses of it can have instances. Following is one of the...

Write a small function to calculate n to the power of n? 31 Jan 2011 | 11:56 pm

In the above question the interviewer is expecting the logic behind the scene (Recursive). Actually he may directly ask you to write a recursive function to calculate N to the power of N, or given num...

Explain drupal flow of information among 5 main layers 27 Jan 2011 | 11:54 pm

Basically, there are 5 main layers in Drupal where information flows, Data (Node, ETC) Modules Blocks and Menus User Permissions Template Data Base of the system is collection of Nodes. – the d...

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