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Dildology, Violet Blue and Offbeatr Update 24 May 2013 | 11:00 pm
I can’t cover my sex toy activist career/how I came to Dildology in a single blog post, but this is a key moment. To be perfectly honest, I fell into this. My first job peddling dildos was one I took...
Coming out of Retirement for Dildology 17 May 2013 | 10:31 pm
As many of you know, once upon a time, Crista Anne got naked on the internet. Let’s see if I can dig up an old picture… At the dawn of Queer/Alt porn, I was on a few sites. NoFauxxx is the only one s...
Poly Mom, NY Mag Sex Diarist, and Reading The Comments 17 May 2013 | 07:53 am
Before I begin, I am the The Polyamorous Mother Waking Her Baby With Her Orgasm Noises. *waves* That was a week in my sex life. Pretty honest view into how I feel regarding sex, our poly, my sex lif...
Rainbow Romp 17 May 2013 | 03:35 am
Related Sex Geekery:Coming out of Retirement for DildologyThis is a sex blog, but this is not a sexy postBelated Wanton WednesdayDILDOLOGY.ORG Debuts, Provides Independent Validation Of Sex Toy Materi...
This is a sex blog, but this is not a sexy post 10 May 2013 | 02:46 am
I have major depression. Came out of the womb with major depression. It’s been a constant battle my entire life. Many years I have been on the losing side of that battle, but I’m still here, so I’m w...
So, perhaps I should address why PSG went dark for two years…. 8 May 2013 | 01:03 am
I’m going to take Metis’ advice, this is why. That happened. I found my soulmate. We had a son. For the record, I loathe that term. It sounds like part of the bullshit fantasy fairytale that little ...
Donate to Dildology 3 May 2013 | 03:10 am
Of course, our funding site decided, a month after account creation, that we were too “adult” for them. Eh, a smooth ride today would have been boring. So in the mean time we have a barebones, but so...
DILDOLOGY.ORG Debuts, Provides Independent Validation Of Sex Toy Materials 3 May 2013 | 01:53 am
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 2, 2013 DILDOLOGY.ORG Debuts, Provides Independent Validation Of Sex Toy Materials Richmond, VIRGINIA –, an independent non-profit organization created to p...
I should answer my own questions (tw: passing mention of sexual violence) 2 May 2013 | 03:15 am
(This was originally posted on tumblr.) When did you learn about self-pleasure? Did your parents talk to you about masturbation? As my Mom can attest, I’ve always had a hand on my vulva. When I was ...
Anon answers about their relationship with masturbation #2 2 May 2013 | 03:13 am
(This was originally posted on tumblr.) When did you learn about self-pleasure? I think I was a pretty late bloomer when it comes to getting off—I was about fifteen, which is also roughly when I sta...