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CAG,CAG,CAG and Oh Yeah CAG! :The Projects Cometh UP 6 Dec 2011 | 05:44 pm
Well you've read the title now meet the projects..............Im gonna do this as a 4 bike build-up so hopefully it doesnt get so confusing following these rebuilds....... Everythings basically junk ...
X7 REPSOL build 7 Nov 2011 | 03:09 pm
ok so i really havent worked on my X18 in a while but we will talk about that later. so when i moved to ohio i had 2 X7's one was a parts expiriment bike, the other just kinda sat there. it ran but i ...
X7 goes electricproject 15 Oct 2011 | 03:57 pm
Hi A while ago i bought an X7 for about 50$, back then it was kind of a wreck. The pull starter was broken, it had no fenders, flat tire, front fork was not bouncing back and the electrical system wa...
Not your average Radio Flyer 1 Jul 2011 | 06:59 am
Ok first off I was told to put this thread here by the mods until they found a better place for it. When you do mods, please feel free to relocate :) So I posted up a pic of one of my current project...
Dandy MR-40 Rebuild 21 Jun 2011 | 06:44 am
I'm starting the rebuild of a Dandy pocket bike I recently picked up for $100... I tore it down last night and I'll be dropping off a pile of parts hopefully next week to be powder coated. I haven't ...
Nick's Water cooled bikes.... MT-A4 ( C1 ) 20 Jun 2011 | 11:41 am
Whats up guys, so I found some older pictures of my bikes when I first got started, haha obviously paint was more important to me back then.... the over-spray was cleaned up at one point... Let me kn...
L7 Ducati project 12 Jun 2011 | 08:26 am
Finally! I'm actually almost done building this bike. It started of as a bare frame from one of the members of this. I think his name was juanitoboy or something. Anywho, I have a Lucky 7. The frame i...
May/June Bike of the Month 31 May 2011 | 06:59 pm
Okay, it kinda looks like we're doing this contest bi-monthly, since the March BOTM took so long .... Here's the score: during the entire month of May, you may post your bike for the contest (one entr...
x18 Marlboro Ducati build 25 May 2011 | 06:09 am
So this is the bike I started off with, it was a good price and the motor was OK. (green X18) I used an X7 tail from my old bike, and custom fit it to the stock one on the x18. I also used the side f...
Road_Clams X18 thread 13 Apr 2011 | 09:19 am
Well I think I will start a thread on my X18 starting from the day I pulled it out of the crate. Uncrating was fairly easy and straight foreward. Now the fun begins. First I gave the bike a thourough ...