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Artisan Bakery 26 Aug 2013 | 06:15 am
One of our favourite stops on the way to the lake is Integrity Foods along Hwy 8, north of Riverton. I think it's one of Manitoba's best kept secrets! Not only do we love stopping for their wood-fired...
Date Square 6 Apr 2012 | 08:42 pm
I had some left over dates from baking Magic Hermits, so I decided to use them up in this old fashioned Date Square. If you like oatmeal cookies, you'll like this slice! Great with a cup of coffee. 2...
Chocolate Mint Cake Cookies 17 Mar 2012 | 01:45 pm
These cookies remind me of Girl Scout Cookies... they are so good, and actually addictive. They are the most requested cookie from my family! Prep Time: 10 Minutes | Cook Time: 10 Minutes | Makes: 24...
Omelette Muffins 14 Mar 2012 | 03:41 am
These little morsels of yumminess are full of flavour and easy to make ahead of time and then reheat for breakfast, brunch or snack! And of course you can mix it up and try different fillings if you l...
Haystacks 6 Mar 2012 | 04:12 pm
I finally found my Haystacks recipe! This is totally kickn' it old school for me.... I remember one of my classmate's awesome mom would make these for our hot dog days at Domain Elementary. Oh the mem...
Pantry Reveal 5 Mar 2012 | 09:53 am
I'm happy to report that not only have I completed my Pantry Challenge, but I was able to get it all done much quicker than I had anticipated. Here's the BEFORE: BEFORE Here's what I did: 1. Took a....
Pantry Challenge 23 Feb 2012 | 08:52 am
Have you heard of the Pantry Challenge? Well, I'm about to take it, because my pantry is a MESS!! A Pantry Challenge is when you make a concentrated, focused effort to "eat from the pantry" rather th...
Crock-Pot Whole Chicken 5 Feb 2012 | 02:31 pm
This fall my husband brought home about a dozen chickens from our Hutterite neighbours. Perfect! My freezer was full! But then it dawned on me, I better figure out how to cook these birds. So after 11...
24 Clever Ideas 29 Jan 2012 | 05:25 pm
I received this email from several friends, and thought the ideas were so clever it was worth sharing. Kudos to the smart cookie who came up with these and the organized one who put the email together...
Miss Pattimore 26 Jan 2012 | 03:00 pm
I finally made time to read a book that has been quite popular here on the prairies, I Am Hutterite by Mary-Ann Kirkby. I wanted to read it because we have so many colonies around us and down our grav...