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Le compte à rebours de la rentrée des classes - First Day of School Countdown - Cochez les jours en vous amusant 9 Jul 2012 | 07:24 pm
« Combien de jours avant de retourner à l’école ? » – avec l’appli First Day of School Countdown développée par Appracadabra vous aiderez les enfants à surveiller le temps restant avant ce grand jour ...
Haagse uitgeverij wint Britse award met kinder-app Tel de Dieren! 5 Jun 2012 | 10:42 pm
Kinder-appuitgeverij Appracadabra is onderscheiden met de Junior Design Award voor Beste Educatieve App van 2012 voor haar kinder-app Tel de Dieren! “It’s the playful illustrations and animation that ...
First Day of School Countdown - mark off the days in a funloving way 22 May 2012 | 07:22 pm
‘How many days until I have to go to school?’ - with the First Day of School Countdown app by Appracadabra you’ll help kids keep track of time and prepare for this big event. Count down from day seven...
Just Colors - go on a color hunt & create your own color guide 15 Mar 2012 | 12:55 pm
From a yellow bus to that cute chocolate brown kitten - by snapping pictures of colored objects, kids create their own customized color guide and develop their understanding of color. Start with basic...
Theater for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch 29 Feb 2012 | 10:55 pm
Stage your own magical play and be the star actor! Take your pick from a cast of rag doll actors, lots of props and different sceneries. Don’t forget to put your own face on the rag dolls! Make up the...
Kind Kids App Rules 23 Nov 2011 | 11:17 pm
With over 30,000 titles the market for children's apps is crowded. Most of these apps are visually uninspiring or ethically wrong, persuading young children to buy via in app purchase. We are spearhea...
One, dwa, treís: learn to count from one to 20 in 16 different languages 29 Jun 2011 | 06:28 am
Appracadabra teaches kids and their parents how to count from one to 20 - in 16 different languages. With 'Count the Animals!' young children learn how to count in their own language, and older kids h...