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We Shouldn’t Worry About Chemicals In Makeup Yet? 23 Aug 2013 | 10:41 pm
I was watching Katie yesterday and part of her “What They Don’t Want You To Know” show included a dermatologist named Ellen Marmur who was supposed to separate fact from fiction in regards to the New ...
Loving My Mumbani Face Pillow 23 Aug 2013 | 07:48 pm
I happened to read about Mumbani Fresh Face pillow in Prevention magazine recently. They state “studies show that sleeping on a pillow in the same position night after night creates wrinkles that can ...
Why Do These Women Have Such Beautiful Skin? 20 Aug 2013 | 03:36 am
By Dr. Al Sears On my last trip to Peru, I spent days trekking with native healers through the rainforest. And they shared many of their secrets with me. But one of the biggest breakthroughs I discove...
Don’t Fall For Hydroface 3 May 2013 | 07:08 pm
OK ladies, it’s time for a refresher on the biggest skin care scam of all time. First of all you need to know this: Hydroface Anti Aging System looks identical to Hydroxatone even down to the name, AM...
Natural Ways to Get Clear Skin 19 Apr 2013 | 10:57 pm
We’ve all wondered at some point how to get that flawless skin that we see in advertisements and magazines and wondered what clear skin tips they may have that we’re missing! Searching the Internet is...
The Secret To Glowing Skin 11 Apr 2013 | 06:48 am
I recently ran across an article about how to get radiant, glowing skin and I have to say that I agree with the author wholeheartedly. I may lose some of you here but bottom line is that diet is the #...
5 Natural Eczema Treatment Options 18 Feb 2013 | 01:52 am
I understand that eczema can be extremely frustrating and embarrassing. While I believe much of it has to do with poor diet or stress, there are many natural eczema treatment options available to you....
Find Safe Cosmetics-Learn How To Read Labels 26 Jan 2013 | 01:09 am
Things are moving forward in the beauty industry as more and more consumers are learning about chemicals in beauty products and what ingredients to avoid. Consumers are questioning what they are putti...
Juicing For Health And Skin 18 Jan 2013 | 10:45 pm
I became interested in juicing after watching Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, and since then I have done a tremendous amount of research on the benefits of juicing on the body. Surprisingly, I learned of ano...
Tera Warner Be Beauty Makeover 3 Jan 2013 | 06:04 am
89 percent of the ingredients used in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety!” -Environmental Working Group (EWG) While we can’t say for sure if the nasty chemicals in our beauty pr...