Quantumwavesbiofeedback - quantumwavesbiofeedback.com - Quantum Waves Hypnotherapy & Biofeedback

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End of Summer Sale! 5 Sep 2012 | 10:27 pm
Enjoy the fruits of your labor this summer and pick products at QW for 40% off! All crystals, aroma therapy, lavender eye pillows, etc! Stock up on items to help you manage stressful situations and mo...
Not Your Parent’s Biofeedback… 15 Jun 2012 | 06:47 am
One of the most common things I hear about biofeedback is ..”I did that years ago”. Well, as with many things that have changed in recent times, biofeedback has made leaps and bounds in the type of te...
Mind Bending 23 May 2012 | 11:21 am
I have always been fascinated with the power of the mind. When I was a little girl in the very early seventies, I had heard that there were people who could move objects with their “mind”. I would sit...
Science 8 Sep 2011 | 06:47 pm
Until recently, much if not all of our scientific theory was based on Newton’s laws of physics from a few hundred years ago. These definitions held that the universe is made up of solid objects. This ...