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亚洲买家缓步 豪华住宅降温 14 Jul 2012 | 06:41 am
亚洲买家缓步 豪华住宅降温 2012年前半年,卑斯省豪华住宅出现了降温的迹象。到六月底为止, 共有238栋价值超过三百万元的住宅成交。 相对于2011年前半年466栋的成交量,固然少了很多,但和2010年比较,成绩还是不错的。2010年全年虽有375栋价值超过三百万元的住宅成交,但那年的前半年则只有售出169栋。 麦当劳地产经理Matthew Lee认为市场正走向一个关键时刻。经手成交了今年全省到...
Vancouver Real Estate Luxury Market Stumbles as Asian Buyers dry up 14 Jul 2012 | 06:37 am
Midway through 2012, BC’s luxury market is showing signs of cooling down. Through the first 6 months of 2012, 243 homes priced at over $3 million have sold compared to 466 through the first 6 months o...
Getting a Mortgage? New CMHC Guidelines coming soon! Very very soon 21 Jun 2012 | 11:48 pm
Welcome back 25 year amortization. I was going to write a post this morning touching on how the government of Canada via Minister Flaherty has tightened mortgage rules three times in the past four yea...
Vancouver Real Estate Statistics, May 2012. VIDEO 14 Jun 2012 | 11:43 pm
VANCOUVER, B.C. – June 4, 2012 – The number of properties listed for sale continued to increase in the Greater Vancouver housing market in May. The number of sales decreased year over year, but remain...
Cambie Corridor Re-Development Moving Forward 12 Jun 2012 | 11:59 pm
In my day to day business and travels I fin myself often driving around the Cambie corridor. As I am sure most of you are aware the area is undergoing some big changes. The latest proposal to hit the...
The Kitchen Hood Fan – some options 18 May 2012 | 03:50 am
The hood fan. Every kitchen needs one but they are often be overlooked and a place where builders/renovators go budget one. Here, care of the beloved Houzz, are some examples of nice and different s...
The Future of Glass – technology in the home and beyond 18 May 2012 | 03:20 am
Check out this video by Corning Glass. It is a vision of the future of touch screen and image display throughout the home, car, work, phones and beyond. It is built on glass technology that allows fo...
Is now a good time to buy Vancouver Real Estate? 11 May 2012 | 04:41 pm
May 2012 Is now a good time to buy? Ask your favourite Vancouver Realtors. It’s a question that we hear in the real estate industry all the time. The answer is simple: It’s the right time to buy when ...
现在可是购屋置业的好时机吗? 11 May 2012 | 04:33 pm
2012年5月 现在可是购屋置业的好时机吗? 这在地产业界是常听到的问题。答案很简单:当你1) 有买的意愿; 2) 有长线作业的打算;以及3) 财物上负担得起时候,那就是您购屋置业最好的时机。 决定买不买房子有很多不同的因素,而且大多与生活情境的变化有关。年轻人开始独立生活,结婚后想营造两人世界,生儿育女需要小家庭空间,工作地点有所变动,乃至两老不愿再独守空巢等情景,都是造成大家想要变换生活环境的...
Bank of Canada Interest Rates and Mortgage Interest Rates – Economy 18 Apr 2012 | 03:35 am
The underlying message below in the BREA Economics Now is two-fold in my opinion and one that could be a ‘double edged sword. The bank of Canada is considered about “the continued accumulation of debt...