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How to Work Step Seven 19 Aug 2013 | 10:34 pm
Humbly asked Him [God] to remove our shortcomings. Step seven is the logical continuation of step six, wherein addicts delineate their character defects and become willing to live without them. In st...
Gambling Addiction May Develop As a Way to Handle Stress 19 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Addiction to illegal drugs and addiction to alcohol often co-occur within an individual with a mental disorder, such as depression or anxiety. In addition, those with a substance use disorder may cite...
Bullied Children 400 Times More Likely to Harm Themselves in Teen Years 18 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Bullying is the common term for a range of physical and non-physical behaviors that center on the use of aggression to demean others and assert power and social control. Current estimates indicate tha...
Binge-Eating Disorder Is Now a Mental Illness 17 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Binge/purge anorexia (also known as binge-eating/purging type anorexia) is a subtype of the eating disorder anorexia nervosa that varies somewhat from the common perception of that disorder. People af...
Chronic Pain Sufferers Likely to Have Anxiety, Study Finds 16 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
The medical community is increasingly finding that mental and physical health are closely intertwined. Screenings for multiple areas of mental health are important when treating physical health concer...
Art Therapy Helps Heal Recovering Addicts 16 Aug 2013 | 12:47 am
The pain, struggle and trauma associated with drug addiction can be difficult to put into words. Art therapy is the practice of engaging a client through the use of creative media, including collage, ...
How To Work Step Six 6 Aug 2013 | 09:28 am
We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. The Alcoholics Anonymous authored book, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, famously calls step six “the step that separa...
Compulsive Gambling Devastating to Health 5 Aug 2013 | 09:36 am
In many ways, gambling addiction is one of the least understood forms of psychological dependency. While most people do realize that gambling to excess is likely to cause severe financial problems, ve...
An Interview with Becca Davis, Residential Manager 4 Aug 2013 | 07:04 am
When Becca Davis was a young girl, she knew exactly what she wanted to be when she grew up: a singer, hairstylist and counselor, all rolled into one. Decades later, life propelled her into the counsel...
Smartphone Addiction Can Lead to Edgy, Overweight Teens 3 Aug 2013 | 09:56 am
Kat is an entrepreneur; she opened a bakery on her own and is working hard to get the business off the ground. She spends nights baking pastries and breads for the next morning, and though she does th...