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Where have we (@robwagpdx & @betsywhim) gone to? 9 Feb 2012 | 10:15 am
Is anyone even out there following the Redoing Media site these days? Probably not. (Why would you, after all – we shut the show down months ago…!) But for the few who might still stumble across this...
Redoing Media – the site, anyway – will remain 20 Sep 2011 | 06:19 am
I’ll update this with more details in a day or two once I’ve thought it through a bit more. But after conversation with a few local PDX media-types, I think there’s still a role for what Redoing Media...
Redoing Media – the podcast, anyway – is no more 13 Sep 2011 | 12:23 pm
As usual, Twitter is *the* new ‘breaking news’ source for those in the know. And my co-host Robert Wagner showed no mercy (or did he?) just mere minutes ago: (The truth of the matter? I egged him int...
Episode 61: “What’chu talkin’ ’bout, Robert?” (re. ATC) Also Reuters, AOL, Bartz & F-bombs 9 Sep 2011 | 11:54 am
Ah...the glare... Well, then. Betsy expected that kicking off the show with a Part Two of last week’s bombshell announcement about the imminent demise of All Things Critical (which generated some ne...
Links for September 8th: Grab bag – flying Yahoo F-bombs, Google buys Zagat, Reddit breaks free, Internet access for kids in PDX 9 Sep 2011 | 05:40 am
I’ve tagged these links for possible show topics/background notes on September 8th: Reuters – Google buys Zagat to vie with OpenTable, Yelp – From the article: "Google Inc has bought Zagat, the popul...
Links for September 8th: Arianna/AOL/Arrington – mexican standoff? 9 Sep 2011 | 05:24 am
I’ve tagged these links for possible show topics/background notes on September 8th: Michael Arrington’s Audacious Venture – David Carr fired the first salvo Monday in what would then tur...
Links for September 8th: Reuters launches Counterparties, goes on hiring spree 9 Sep 2011 | 05:13 am
True confession: I’m a huge fan of Felix Salmon (who I follow on Twitter). I’m already a big fan of Counterparties, which will turn into a must-read each morning. And Reuters? They’re making some real...
Links for September 8th: Journal Register/MediaNews Group merge, Digital First emerges 9 Sep 2011 | 04:59 am
I’ve tagged these links for possible show topics/background notes on September 8th: Reuters – When digital ads pay for local news – Felix Salmon (more about him later) has the analysis about the Jour...
Episode 60: Where Robert breaks the news himself. AGAIN. 2 Sep 2011 | 11:08 am
So Betsy had this nice, tidy show agenda planned for today (the first day back in the studio after a brief hiatus.) And while they managed to touch on issues like Zite’s sale to CNN, the ongoing stat...
Background Links for September 1st show 2 Sep 2011 | 10:44 am
I’ve tagged these links for possible show topics/background notes on September 1st: Tribune Co. seeks approval for management incentive plan – So, let's get this straight. Yo...