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The Story of Stuff 27 Aug 2013 | 11:49 am
“You cannot run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely.” – Annie Leonard (Story of Stuff) You only have to switch on the television, the radio or start surfing the internet in order to be co...
Back to school spending is up 26 Aug 2013 | 11:34 am
According to a BMO study (by Pollara), Canadians are planning to spend about $428 per child. The actual school supplies is a relatively small portion of that amount – maybe $25 to $40 for pens, penci...
CPP disability benefit versus early retirement pension 21 Aug 2013 | 11:55 am
If you are over 60 and qualify to receive a Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefit, you are better off applying for that benefit than applying to take your CPP early. Let’s take a look at who is...
The Not So Simple Side of Money Management 20 Aug 2013 | 11:34 am
“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realise how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us.” – Socrates You only have to take a stroll through any bookstore to get an ide...
Building Wealth is Simple, Not Easy 19 Aug 2013 | 07:28 pm
Many years ago, I hired a personal trainer to help me become healthier. Here’s what she told me: Eat better foods Eat smaller meals throughout the day Exercise regularly Drink more water Get more...
Different Asset Allocation Models 14 Aug 2013 | 11:01 am
Asset Allocation is striking a mix or balance between growth (equity) and income (bond) investments within a portfolio. The common thought is that Asset Classes that are different from each other perf...
Five Financial Books That Changed My Life 13 Aug 2013 | 11:24 am
“Living is about learning. It is a lifelong quest.” – Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem I’ve had a love of reading for as long as I can remember. My mum is an avid reader and there were always shelves of bo...
Pension plans provide safe, guaranteed income in retirement 12 Aug 2013 | 09:12 pm
Samantha and Jack just met with a financial advisor recommending they pull their money out of Jack’s defined benefit pension plan with the government and move it into a Locked in Retirement Account (L...
Tips from Happy Retirees 7 Aug 2013 | 11:05 am
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting lots of successful and happy retirees. They have become a great source of inspiration and knowledge not only for me but also for others. Allow me to share some of th...
Renting vs Owning a home 6 Aug 2013 | 11:05 am
“Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility” – Oprah Winfrey It seems to me, that every time life doesn’t go quite according to plan there i...