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Apple BlockBusters: My Top 5 and Reasons the iPad Rules the Tablets in 2013 3 Jul 2013 | 01:28 am
If there’s one thing that Apple has been getting right, it is their ability to create beautiful, easy-to-use blockbusters. To build a great business, it’s all about creating a great product that peopl...
Beyond Resilience: Givers, Takers, Matchers and Anti-Fragile Systems 14 Jun 2013 | 02:54 am
“Our focus on removing or minimizing randomness has actually had the perverse effect of increasing fragility.” How can we work through this paradox in organizations? Assistant Professor Adam Grant...
Creator, Challenger, Coach through Change: Getting out of the Drama 27 Apr 2013 | 01:45 am
Being creative can be tough when bad news abounds. Yet taking the creative, challenging coach role through turbulence is a hero’s journey that matters greatly as we recover and build anew. What does ...
Union / Management collaboration: What Creates Healthy, Fit Organizations Today? 20 Apr 2013 | 02:20 am
What makes for a healthy, “anti-fragile” (adaptable, responsive) organization today? These slides from my recent presentation to the Michigan Management Labor Association’s (MMLA) presentation on We...
Beyond resilience: Black Swans, Anti-Fragility and Change 18 Apr 2013 | 04:44 am
Random, extreme events: What to do in a world we don’t understand. Is it possible to develop characteristics to emulate strengths in nature in becoming anti-fragile as described by former wall stree...
International Coaching Week is Coming, May 20-26 13 Apr 2013 | 09:28 am
Join me and my Coach Café Ann Arbor colleagues to learn about how coaching can support your success through one of our coaching demonstrations or workshops during International Coaching Week, May 20-2...
3 Things That Cause Ethical Breakdowns in Workplace Culture: Timing a Reminder is Everything 7 Apr 2013 | 03:28 am
Tensions among senior staff in universities seem to be making the news on a regular basis. Examples include leader strife at Rutgers (blame), Penn State (cascade failure to deal with a crime) and Univ...
3 Things That Cause Ethical Breakdowns in Workplace Culture: Timing a Reminder is Everything 7 Apr 2013 | 03:28 am
Tensions among senior staff in universities seem to be making the news on a regular basis. Examples include leader strife at Rutgers (blame), Penn State (cascade failure to deal with a crime) and Univ...
3 Things That Cause Ethical Breakdowns in Workplace Culture: Timing a Reminder is Everything 7 Apr 2013 | 03:28 am
Tensions among senior staff in universities seem to be making the news on a regular basis. Examples include leader strife at Rutgers (blame), Penn State (cascade failure to deal with a crime) and Univ...
3 Things That Cause Ethical Breakdowns in Workplace Culture: Timing a Reminder is Everything 7 Apr 2013 | 03:28 am
Tensions among senior staff in universities seem to be making the news on a regular basis. Examples include leader strife at Rutgers (blame), Penn State (cascade failure to deal with a crime) and Univ...