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OCZ Vertex 4 Solid State Disk & My Sony Vaio & Windows 8 9 Nov 2012 | 03:19 pm
Sedikit review tentang upgrade notebook kerja saya menggunakan OCZ Vertex 4 SSD, perbandingan kinerja OCZ Vertex 4 dalam SATA 2 dan 3, selain itu pengupgrade-an OS ke Windows 8 Profesional
Last Figure for 2012 2 Nov 2012 | 07:41 pm
Okay… I posted something earlier this year about any figure I ordered for my new hobby. And at last last month, all my order is arrived safely to my showcase shelf Mainly my figure comes from Goodsmil...
Let’s see where the world will head to… 30 Oct 2012 | 02:53 pm
Hari ini saya tidak akan menulis tutorial, atau menulis tips. Hanya saja beberapa kali pikiran ini terlintas di dalam pikiran saya. Kebetulan semua proyek kantor untuk tahun ini sudah selesai sehingga...
Hatsune Miku Miku no Hi Daikanshasai 2Days Complete Box [3Blu-ray+4CD] 2 Oct 2012 | 03:50 pm
Hmmm just around last week my friend went to Taiwan for MSI MOA(Master Overclocking Arena) representing Indonesia. Yet what he did a day before the competition? he sent me many pic around Taipei, spec...
The 8th finnaly… Snow Miku Fluffy Version 2012 28 Sep 2012 | 11:26 am
The latest YukiMiku(Snow Miku) is here, arrived on my hand yesterday. Maybe she is the cutest Nendoroid I ever owned. There is many bad rumor about her launch, but lucky, mine is nothing wrong. Here i...
[Trick] Combine the jQuery AJAX and CodeIgniter form validation 25 Sep 2012 | 03:20 pm
Sebenarnya trik ini tidaklah terlalu WOW sekali, tetapi cara ini kadang kala tidak kepikiran oleh beberapa pengguna framework Codeigniter dan juga AJAX (terutama dari jQuery). Prinsipnya simpel, biasa...
[FIX] Codeigniter image class bug on PHP 5.4 11 Sep 2012 | 08:06 am
Simple way to fixing Codeigniter bug running on PHP 5.4. This bug is not "very" fatal type bug but seems it's come from carelessness of Codeigniter developer. maybe the developer doesn't understand th...
Post AFAID 2012 – Week full comedy 7 Sep 2012 | 10:04 am
It's done technically, but not in mentally. Sejumlah kejadian di tanah air yang merebak malah setelah AFA ID 2012 ini selesai. Menarik dijadikan cermin kehidupan ... enjoy mate... just enjoy your own ...
Anime List 3.0 5 Sep 2012 | 08:09 pm
versi ketiga dari program aplikasi Listing tontonan saya. Dengan menggunakan pondasi yang disempurnakan semenjak 1 tahun lalu. Selain itu menyertakan API web service & desktop based Application yang d...
[PICS] Anime Festival Asia Indonesia 2012 (DAY #2) 3 Sep 2012 | 03:18 pm
OK here we go…. the photos from 2nd day…. in my Opinion it’s not as good as the first day, yet… it’s more enjoyable, since it’s less crowded than the first day. Ok here the photos…. For the 2nd day, I...