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Hey “Journalists”! Wake Up And Do Your Own Fact Finding!! 17 Aug 2013 | 06:03 pm
Newsflash! I’m not a journalist. This blog is not a newspaper. Really. I’m actually an entrepreneur doing some small investments here and there in Indonesia. Weird thing though. Apparently this blog w...
Cracker Versus Sangatpedas 16 Aug 2013 | 03:07 am
Yesterday I wrote a post on how to simply avoid WordPress “password reset hacks“, because that’s exactly what happened to this blog yesterday and already some more times before. I actually thought and...
Online Retail In Indonesia Now Closed For Foreign Investments 15 Aug 2013 | 08:58 pm
Wow, this is kind of a shock indeed. Coming home from summer holiday to find out that e-commerce, or online retail as you will, is now completely excluded from ANY foreign investment/ownership in Indo...
Quick Solution For WordPress Password Reset Hacks 15 Aug 2013 | 05:29 pm
No idea why anyone would be even remotely interested in hacking this blog but it happened. Quite a lot too. Every time I see a “password reset” mail I knew it happened again. Quite annoying, consideri...
Surfer Anastasia Ashley’s Twerking Warm-up Dance [VIDEO] 10 Aug 2013 | 03:40 pm
We at Sangat Pedas like sports. Really. We like breast ball baseball. Huge fan lately of pole-jump. Crazy about tennis and let’s not forget beach volleyball. Sports, a healthy mind in a healthy body, ...
Obama On Privacy: Muahahahahaha!!! #Lavabit #Silentcircle #RIP 9 Aug 2013 | 01:48 pm
Remember the speech from Obama in 2007 in which he argued to stop spying on people who are not suspected of a crime? Probably you don’t, at least that’s what Obama and all other politicians generally ...
Telkomsel And XL Pop Ads And How To Opt-out 1 Aug 2013 | 06:10 pm
It’s a pretty new phenomenon in Indonesia. I have two paid sim cards from Telkomsel and XL. For both I pay a monthly subscription fee and obviously I pay for the usage. So far no problem. However, bot...
Psychotropic Drugs: The Killing $26.5 Billion Scam [Documentary] 21 Jul 2013 | 07:43 pm
A good business idea is finding a solution for an (everyday) problem and monetize it. But what does an industry do when there’s actually a lack of problems but it still wants to rake in billions? Well...
Kill The DJ – Where Rap And Jogja Tradition Meet 21 Jul 2013 | 01:21 pm
On Digital Startup, Founders, Governance and Happy Dreams 20 Jul 2013 | 07:18 pm
Remco kindly invited me to post, and here I am. The subjected he suggested was Startups Founders, Angel Investors & Dilution. Which is a mouthful to pronounce and even more complicated to elaborate in...