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Arriving 8/28/13 27 Aug 2013 | 12:15 am
Some very exciting releases this week. Not only do we see the return of Hickman’s spy thriller Secret, but we also have the collected edition of TEOTFW from Charles Forsman! There are some more great ...
Wait, What? Ep. 132: The Village, People 20 Aug 2013 | 05:49 am
Jack Kirby on The Prisoner. Ahh, what could’ve been…. Howdy, Whatnauts! The good news is: I think I fixed the recording levels for this episode so your eardrums will not bleed whenever I speak. (Th...
Arriving 8/21/13 20 Aug 2013 | 12:19 am
It is difficult to follow up last week, but this one is coming out swinging with some excellent titles, including new issues of Brother Lono and Revival! Check those out and the rest of this weeks boo...
Favorite Page Turns in Comics! Pt. 1 of Infinity 17 Aug 2013 | 05:36 am
So a friend of the Donut shop happened to bring me in a boot box full of late 70′s Creepy and Eerie as well as about 30 very early issues of Heavy Metal he’d found while doing flooring work in a basem...
“spilf!” Comics! Sometimes They Are Probably Not Everybody’s Cup of Tea! 17 Aug 2013 | 12:29 am
And now, as demanded by literally nobody at all, I look at BLACK KISS 2 by Howard Victor Chaykin. No, no need to thank me. Your smiles are reward enough. Of course you’ll only be clicking on MORE! if ...
Heh 16 Aug 2013 | 03:49 am
I ganked this image from the Facebook “I Own a Comic Book or Game Store” group; it was posted by Almando Rodriguez. No related posts.
Wait, What? Ep. 131: Linkpocalypse 13 Aug 2013 | 06:11 am
Motofumi Kobayashi’s Cat Shit One: Another great reason to love comics. Yes, okay! As always, I have nothing clever to say in this space, but unlike always, I’m not going to waste your time saying it...
Arriving 8/14/13 13 Aug 2013 | 01:28 am
You have been asking and we have been waiting and finally it is here, Saga #13 this week! That and other great books follow the cut! A1 #3 ADVENTURE TIME CANDY CAPERS #2 (OF 6) ARCHER & ARMSTRON...
Last Issues, First / Last Issues, Second Issues (that could be first issues) and so on… 11 Aug 2013 | 05:29 am
Get after it, Pope. Grand Champion of the Kumite Brian Hibbs is going all Howard Beale above and below this post. Go check ‘em out and get smart. Or, read me going on about comic books. Win / w...
The staggeringly epic incompetence of DC Entertainment 7 Aug 2013 | 10:09 pm
I’ve already written a great number of words on the subject of next month’s DC “Villain month” cover stunt, and I suggest that you follow that link for some reasoned background. Sadly, the real villai...