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Get Anyones Facebook Password 29 Sep 2012 | 10:05 pm
How to get a Facebook Password behind those dots:- Follow the steps below and you would fin the vulnerable. 1. Open Firefox 2. Navigate to 3. Enter your password into the password tex...
A Double Pointer 29 Sep 2012 | 09:53 pm
Code: #include int main () { int x,*y,*zz; x = 1; y = &x; z = &y; printf("%d %d %d",**zz,*y,x); return 0; } You would probably get the output as: Quote:1 1 1 Do you observe anything stran...
Basics Of Dos/DDos Attacks 12 Sep 2012 | 12:21 am
Hi all This is Lane_Stalker I am a greyhat practicing for about 2 years. That time i just din know of any resources to read from or maybe where i found some stuff it was too advanced for me to unde...
[exclusive]How to malware a website![/exclusive] 11 Sep 2012 | 08:54 pm
Hi everyone , Today i'm going to reveal the trick to "Malware" a server..... It took me a long time to find this code many people keep it to themselves and never share it.Lamers[/color] :/ So what ...
How to find php backdoors in a server 9 Sep 2012 | 06:58 pm
Well, not so long ago, a hacker I know installed several backdoors on this server. So I had to try to find them all and secure the server. For any other admins that were in the same situation, they wi...
New theme 7 Sep 2012 | 12:21 am
I have switched to this sleek looking theme proposed by Lane_Stalker (thanks!), I hope you guys like it, please give us feedback!
How to setup connection on BT5R3 ? 6 Sep 2012 | 04:59 pm
I have probleme with connection in backtrack, i did everything to setup my connexion :'( i try to do that : that dosen't work :'( please help m...
Is Facebook too big to hack? 22 Aug 2012 | 09:59 pm
Alright so I am pretty much sure that you all heard about Anonymous's claim that Facebook is hackable but they didn't hack it in the end. However, I am sure that it is possible, but only the extremely...
Upgrade From BackTrack 5 R2 to BackTrack 5 R3 15 Aug 2012 | 11:33 am
Recently, BackTrack 5 R3 released but for those of you who don’t want to start fresh with a new installation, have no fear because you can easily upgrade your existing installation of R2 to R3. Whats...
Backtrack 5 R3 has been released! 14 Aug 2012 | 05:24 pm
Quote from the backtrack blog: The time has come to refresh our security tool arsenal – BackTrack 5 R3 has been released. R3 focuses on bug-fixes as well as the addition of over 60 new tools – severa...