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Deploying Wordpress on Heroku 28 Jun 2012 | 11:35 am

Heroku unofficially supports PHP. Which means you can deploy Wordpress and get free blog hosting :) Heroku runs Apache version 2.2.22 PHP version 5.3.10 Deploying Wordpress to Heroku requires that...

The Best Video About How to Make Money Online 25 Jun 2012 | 09:04 am

This is one of my favorite videos on the internet. It is what got me interested in Rails and made me work toward the goal of running my own business and hopefully soon, launch my own products. <ifra...

Installing Ruby with RVM without Xcode using CLANG 25 Jun 2012 | 01:37 am

I am not using the full Xcode package on my laptop. Instead I'm using the command line tools, offered by Apple as a separate and much smaller install. I haven't had too many issues, aside from not bei...

How To Export A MySQL Database to JSON, CSV and XML with Ruby and the ActiveRecord Gem 23 Jun 2012 | 08:37 am

It's trivial to export data from a mysql database with Ruby and ActiveRecord. All you have to do is establish a connection and define a class that represents the table. You...

How To Add A Route With A Forward Slash in Params with Rails 3 Application 22 Jun 2012 | 08:00 am

Use an asterisk in the pattern to match for everything after it. In the example below, date will be available in the params hash as params[:date]. SPB::Application.routes.draw do #

How to Create a Date Time Snippet in Sublime Text 2 (Dynamic Signature with Time Stamp) 14 Jan 2012 | 10:45 am

You’ll have to create a new plugin. From the menu bar select Tools > New Plugin Copy the Python script from the file. Remember to replace your email address (it’s Save th...

How to Create a Date Time Snippet in Sublime Text 2 (Dynamic Signature with Time Stamp) 14 Jan 2012 | 05:45 am

You'll have to create a new plugin. From the menu bar select Tools > New Plugin Copy the Python script from the file. Remember to replace your email address (it's Save the...

Transform Matching Text with Gsub in Ruby and Regular Expression 11 Jan 2012 | 11:31 am

Here is a gist that demonstrates how easy it is to transform text using #gsub and a block with Ruby. For more helpful string extensions in Ruby check out our Ruby Gem on GitHub

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