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Leap of Faith 4 Apr 2013 | 03:29 am
I have been waiting to write this post for a few weeks now and the day is finally here….. So here we go… Exactly 4 years ago to the day I had a quick sit down at a Starbucks with my then business par...
Watch the Facebook event live…. 15 Jan 2013 | 11:00 pm
Facebook is unveiling a new mobile phone product today – and you can watch the event LIVE here.
How a Husband Wife Team Built a Multi-Million Dollar “Hands Off” Business 12 Jan 2013 | 03:11 am
Before you watch the interview below – read this. Meet Melanie & Devin Duncan… Mel & Dapper Dev are friends of mine. We do a lot of work together in the online business world. They were invited to o...
Working with the negatives to make a better picture… 8 Aug 2012 | 10:20 pm
Sometimes lyrics from a song can stop you in your tracks and make you think. A couple weeks ago while driving a 35′ RV through the Redwoods of California I was listening to a little hip hop. I was ...
The $1,000 brownie 9 Mar 2012 | 11:12 am
A couple weeks ago my business partner Lewis Howes and I co-hosted an event in San Diego. The emcee of the event asked the audience “Who here has purchased any of Sean & Lewis’ products?” The majority...
7 Street-Smart Skills They Don’t Teach You In College 26 Oct 2011 | 04:41 am
A photo I snapped that night in Washington Square Park where we talked about Michaels New Book - The Education of Millionaires In June this year while visiting Lewis Howes in New York City, Lewis...
Top 7 ways for a Realtor to use Social Media 21 Sep 2011 | 06:26 am
How a realtor should be using Social Media – Top 7 tips for Realtors & Social Media I do many coaching calls for our 500millionstrong clients. Many of them are Realtors and I get a lot of the same qu...
[VIDEO] Telling stories to win with Peter Guber – Tell to win book 1 Apr 2011 | 03:51 am
On Wednesday March 30th Lewis Howes and I had the honor of hosting Peter Guber on a webinar to discuss the topic of story telling. Peter just came out with a new book called Tell to win – Connect, Per...
How I Get More Tasks Done Using Google Docs 15 Mar 2011 | 06:05 am
Almost a year ago I wrote a really popular post called How I get Massive amounts of stuff done. In that post & video I showed you a short simple to-do list method I developed over the years. In the l...
Warning: Facebook Scam & How To Avoid It 5 Jan 2011 | 09:01 am
Today I was on Facebook when a scammer hit me up via chat asking for money. This is the third or fourth time this has happened to me in recent months, so I thought I’d share this video with you so you...