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A Worm Bin for Under $30.00 1 Nov 2010 | 12:28 pm

This worm bin design can be scaled down to fit in a drawer in an apartment kitchen or up to store in a suburban garage. A worm bin in proper balance and maintained regularly will not smell bad (just l...

16 MORE Ways To Save Money 23 Sep 2010 | 05:09 am

[dropcap cap="I"] just read an article on 10 ways to save money.  I could not believe someone actually took up cyberspace and eyeball real estate to even mention such elementary and universally known ...

Inter-species Success 22 Sep 2010 | 04:47 am

[dropcap cap="S"]Several years ago I was approached by one of my children, with huge watery blue eyes, and a post-Easter live bunny in her arms. “Can I keep it?” Of course the answer was yes, but we h...

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