Secureourfuture - - Students for Saving Social Security

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The End of an Era 15 Nov 2009 | 01:00 pm
Thank you to everyone for your support of S4 over the years. Since our founding in 2005, we made substantial progress on the issue of Social Security reform. What started as a project of two impassion...
The silenced majority 8 Jun 2009 | 11:56 am
In the June 1 edition of Newsweek, Robert J. Samuelson wrote about the need to stop procrastinating and reform Social Security and Medicare. Indeed, many people wonder why it is that we keep kicking ...
Social Security and Medicare sinking even faster 14 May 2009 | 12:54 am
In case you missed it, the trustees of Medicare and Social Security released their annual report yesterday. The news was not good: Social Security and Medicare are fading even faster under the weight...
Social Security make believe 22 Apr 2009 | 12:29 am
From an article in the Washington Post that tries to dismiss personal accounts in light of the ups and downs of the stock market: For many older baby boomers who once felt comfortable but have seen t...
Social Security deficit coming sooner than expected 28 Mar 2009 | 12:57 am
Chuck Blahous, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, talked on PBS about the coming Social Security deficit: Last year, the program's trustees estimated Social Security would go cash flow negative...
A Social Security tax increase is not the answer 28 Mar 2009 | 12:35 am
From the article "Social Security: young voters worry about toll of taxes": At a recent panel discussion on entitlement reform at the Heritage Foundation, Ryan Lynch, national director of Students fo...
President Obama calls for Social Security Savings Accounts 25 Feb 2009 | 11:21 am
"To preserve our long-term fiscal health, we must also address the growing costs in Medicare and Social Security. Comprehensive health care reform is the best way to strengthen Medicare for years to ...
Wake Up To Social Security Reform - WE GOT VIDEO! 24 Feb 2009 | 07:43 am
Real Change or Pocket Change? The High Stakes of Entitlement Reform for Young Americans 24 Feb 2009 | 07:42 am
On Wednesday, February 19th S4's National Director Ryan Lynch participated in an intergenerational and bipartisan dialogue about America's fiscal climate and policy options for entitlement reform. C....