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Septagon Studios Releases Archeologists Of Shadows, Volume 2: Once A Nightmare 10 Sep 2012 | 05:06 pm
ARCHEOLOGISTS OF SHADOWS is set in a world where every living thing is becoming mechanical. Some think that the phenomenon is the will of the gods, and so the Authorities punish those who resist the t...
Septagon Studios Releases Archeologists Of Shadows Digital Graphic Novel 15 Dec 2011 | 04:55 am
It all started a while back when Septagon Studios was approached with a submission sent to us all the way from Spain that literally knocked us out of our seats. It had an immersive story with incredib...
Spotlight: Jason Brubaker Creator of reMIND and Making Comics Website 28 Nov 2011 | 07:02 pm
It’s been a while since we have done a creator or comic spotlight here at Septagon Studios. We have all been busy for some time now working on projects both inside and outside of comics. For the longe...
Frank Miller’s Holy Terror 26 Jul 2011 | 01:56 am
Here is an action trailer for Frank Miller’s new graphic novel entitled “Holy Terror”. A book that’s been in the works for the last 10 years. Even though it has a striking resemblance to Miller’s othe...
Batman: Arkham City Video Game Trailer 20 Jul 2011 | 04:26 pm
From time to time we like to showcase comic related video games on the Septagon Studios Comic Blog. Whether you are a fan of video games or not this Batman: Arkham City teaser trailer is definitely so...
The Road Through Comics With Penciler Yanick Paquette 3 Jul 2011 | 11:26 am
Yanick is a seasoned vetran in the world of comics. He is a Canadian penciller who has worked with some of the top writers and publishers in the industry. This is a great video because we get the insi...
A Quick Walk-through Of The Graphicly iPad App 24 Jun 2011 | 10:53 am
In case you haven’t noticed yet, comics look actually great on the iPad. No doubt that we all love our print stuff and no one can take that away from us but when you get a chance to read comics on the...
Getting To Know Josh Fialkov 21 Jun 2011 | 03:45 pm
If you are a comic creator trying to make it happen, you should check out this interview with Joshua Hale Fialkov. He’s a down to earth comic creator with some great properties under his belt and he a...
A Closer Look At The Work Of Brazilian Comics Illustrator Joao Ruas 17 Jun 2011 | 02:43 pm
Earlier this year we posted some great artwork from a Brazillian comics artist on our Septagon Studios Tumblr (check out our Tumblr archive to see our posts). I had no idea that 5 months later I’d be ...
The Inspirational Artwork Of Yoshitaka Amano 10 Jun 2011 | 03:10 pm
Here’s an artist that has some awesome work that you might want to check out. His name is Yoshitaka Amano. His work is unique as he combines traditional Japanese ink brush work with a more contemporar...