Sequencer - - Sequencer
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8Step Sequencer MTRX-8 (1.5 hand sized) 26 Aug 2013 | 03:33 am
this (about 1-1.5 hands sized) sequencer is simple: clock 1/4 to 1/32 8 steps looped and controlled & shown by LED-ring to control: pitch, velocity and duration of notes, octave and delay via Forum • ...
Modular strategies in shaping reflections and space 24 Aug 2013 | 09:51 pm
this is a new ebook focussing on patches and how to patch on the Clavia G2.. yes, the G2 has Delays an Reverbs already, but what can be done with other modules to have “room” and “space”?.. ” stereoph...
18/19.9.2013 Moozak Festival, Wien, Austria 21 Aug 2013 | 05:44 pm
Am 18. und 19. September wird in Wien zum dritten Mal das Moozak Festival stattfinden – eine Veranstaltung für experimentelle experimentelle Musik und Medienkunst. Das Spektrum des Dargebotenen wird a...
Oberheim OBX Clone (DIY) 21 Aug 2013 | 05:39 pm
The Oberheim OBX is one of the first polyphonic synths that is being cloned or tried to “port” it into the present.. it’s not ready by now but you can follow it here: … hi...
RN-9090 Sequencer based on Aduino 20 Aug 2013 | 04:58 am
RN9090 is a 16 step TR style sequencer with 12 rows (looks like it can display 1 octave or 12 instruments) 12×16 matrix. made for the 909 clone DIY project (drums) hence the name. http://www.rninstrum...
Platine Ausstellung/Festival – Cologne 2013 – Impressionen 20 Aug 2013 | 03:48 am
PLATINE – Festival – Cologne 2013 – in Köln Ehrenfeld ist ein Visual Art Festival/Ausstellung, hier ein paar Eindrücke. Die Goldfolie verformt sich übrigens wenn man ihr näher kommt entsprechend. Dies...
TouchKeys Multi-Touch Musical Keyboard – 2D Controller per key 9 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
TouchKeys Multi-Touch Musical Keyboard by Andrew McPherson is a controller overlay that allows to track the finger position on the key – the one I ever wanted. Since this is a Kickstarter project it i...
The Claude Controller 9 Aug 2013 | 02:48 am
ok, it’s not “the future of…” but it is a different approach – a keyboard with vibration bar and this 36 wheel and 2 joystick controller can do something on performing..
Keluar – Fractures – Indie Synthpop 7 Aug 2013 | 07:13 pm
Keluar’s Fractures has a very analog dynamic some sort of threatening synth part that makes it a bit wave/80′s along with it’s reverb – and a bit rough – and that’s a good roughness if you have some m...
Beardyman: The polyphonic me – voice on the morph’sis 6 Aug 2013 | 05:22 am
this is Beardyman, you know him, right? since I saw him live he was using some Kaoss Pads and 1 or 2 Synths for controlling or adding things and loopers – now he seems to have changed but still using ...