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A good Fuq 12 Apr 2013 | 03:07 pm
“Fucking,” she said. Yeah, but fucking where exactly? I insisted. “No-no,” she giggled. Her English was good enough to enjoy the joke. “Fuqing, it near Fuzhou.” Fuzhou is on the eastern side of China ...
Losing weight by gaining wood 6 Apr 2013 | 02:00 am
Click for pussy Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, can help promote weight loss, a study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology has found....
Irish Viagra 4 Apr 2013 | 12:59 pm
Konata has other ways of reviving a floppy dick. Click the pic for more. An Irish woman of advanced age visited the doctor to ask his advice on reviving her husband”s libido. “What about trying Viagr...
How to live a long life 26 Sep 2012 | 07:30 am
Or you could just commit suicide in my pussy Guys, if you want to live longer you going to have to chop your dicks off. According to Korean scientists anyway. A study, published in the scientific jou...
Made to measure 29 Jul 2012 | 08:20 am
I fell asleep listening to Kotomi chattering away. She speaks entirely in Japanese and I’ve no idea what she is saying other than that she is presumably reporting her measurement data. The action is ...
Checking out the sushi 24 Jul 2012 | 10:20 am
Wakana Mizuki Kazuha Sinohara Miina Minamoto Much as I despise shopping heading up to the Japanese Supermarket does have its advantages. That’s where you find the bored housewives of Japanese busin...
Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket 22 Jul 2012 | 09:43 am
I get asked, from time to time, which is the best one to go to. The simple answer is they are all good. You need to think about what else you want to do while you are there. If all you’re interested ...
North Korean Girls 17 Jul 2012 | 12:13 am
It seems that Kim Jong Un has got himself a new squeeze. And she’s a bit of alright to say the least. It’s interesting that as soon as she arrived on the scene the head of the military gets the boot. ...
Manila Thrillers 6 Jul 2012 | 08:47 am
Dice Maxine Annie A trio of Filipina babes because … well we just don’t have them often enough. I don’t go to the Philippines much. Work doesn’t take me there and Manila, if we are going to be hone...
Cute cosplay 3 Jul 2012 | 02:36 pm
Wanna click out my shaved pussy? I guess a cosplay kink is just a logical extension of the old uniform kinks that have been around for years. Nurse uniforms are the obvious ones that spring immediate...