Sfxteam - supercopier.sfxteam.org

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SuperCopier 2.2 Beta 17 Aug 2009 | 10:03 am
At last it's released ! Despite the number of corrected bugs, it's still a Beta because of the copy interception system rewrite. Please use the SourceForge bug tracker to report any bug You could fin...
Development resuming 12 Apr 2009 | 11:00 am
I'm back on SuperCopier development. I'm currently redoing the copy interception system for something cleaner and less hackish. This will add support for Windows XP 64 bits and Windows Vista & Seven i...
New SuperCopier website 12 Apr 2009 | 10:33 am
Here is the new SuperCopier website. Data from the old Xoops website haven't been imported because they have been compromised by a hackers attack. Consequently, content from the old forum and comment...