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Pushing The Dirt Around Together 21 Aug 2013 | 08:38 am
#this just came out in third person, no idea why, I haven’t time to edit. Just had to spew it out! (like I did yesterday all day) (sorry!) source Yesterday it all just came up. Quite literally. ...
Anger Is A Real Bastard Of An Emotion 13 Aug 2013 | 08:12 am
(thanks Heather!) Being a parent is an absolute trip isn’t it? If I’m anything on this blog, I’m honest about the journey and it is cheaper than counselling. I’ve felt angry lately. And my children...
A Questionaire Completed…. Next! Sorting Undies 8 Aug 2013 | 08:21 am
I like this, but is this from "You can ring my bell - Colette", I wonder? I have one gazillion things to do (real or perceived as a result of pinterest addiction) but instead, I thought I’d get cosy ...
Milking the Meaning Out Of Life 24 Jul 2013 | 03:44 pm
Every day while I’m wiping bottoms, buttering sandwiches, putting seat-belts on and scrubbing Weet-bix from far-flung places, brilliant blog-posts are typing themselves in my head. I have had a lot o...
A Tough Nut To Crack 16 Jul 2013 | 05:20 pm
On the weekend, Cowboy and I ventured back to the OHT to help pack up my Grandma’s recently sold house. I’ve written about Grandma a few times, she is turning 95 this year, lives with my parents. Tan...
Monte Reviews BPA Free Drinking Bottles 16 Jul 2013 | 08:50 am
When a friend saw that Lime Tree Kids were looking for product reviewers I put up my hand and said “Yes Please!” (thanks Al!) I wouldn’t put up my hand for any old reviewing gig because I know how...
Head Spill sponsored by three cups of coffee before Midday 27 Jun 2013 | 08:58 am
It is quite possible I have forgotten how to write a blog-post, but by God I have remembered how to read a cardboard baby book! So here-goes. Ball. Apple! Ah, just kidding – this post will be o...
Letter to Tansy 6 Jun 2013 | 10:52 am
Dearest Tansy, cc- the Internet In about a month you will crack your first birthday so I thought I might pen (how old fashioned, I am also listening to the wireless- ask Noonie what I’m on about)...
Are You A Frazzle Head or A Zen-Master? 13 May 2013 | 07:23 am
You’ve gotta listen to the voice within don’t you? Somewhere from deep within someone, (is that you, Higher Self?) is screeching at me: “Slow Down M’am” (which is really odd.) (The M’am bit I mean) ...
A Post That Was Initially About Patience But Then Became About Focus (see my trouble?) 24 Apr 2013 | 04:45 pm
(absolutely unedited. First draft, spill, too busy to fix up! Hey, be lucky to get anything I have wine to drink right now) “Mum STOP TALKING YOU ARE GIVING ME A HEADACHE and making me melt” Word...