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Charlie Harper’s Bar 30 Jul 2011 | 01:27 pm
Charlie Harper’s Bar will be opening early August here in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. In a great Ekareach Street location, not far from Kangaroo Kitchen, Freedom Bar, markets, Banks, etc, we’re convenien...
Sihanoukville Photography Competition 2010 20 Dec 2010 | 07:20 pm
Do you have any photographs taken in Sihanoukville that you are particularly proud of? Is so, why not submit them into the Sihanoukville Photography Competition 2010. Since it’s the first year, the i...
GIRARD’S BOAT WORKS 31 Jan 2010 | 12:23 am
“GRAY DOVE” 15 METER GAFF TOPS’L SCHOONER Under Construction at GIRARD’S BOAT WORKS SIHANOUK VILLE CAMBODIA Traditional hardwood construction : Sawn frame carvel plank, with ironwood trunnels. Bu...
The Aquarium, Coasters and Power Snorkeling 3 Aug 2009 | 08:37 pm
Not quite sure how, but I seem to have missed the changes that have occurred down on Serendipity Beach, in particular what’s been happening at the ever popular Coasters Bungalows and Restaurant. Coas...
Free eBooks by local writer 22 Jul 2009 | 09:16 pm
Anyone that has visited Thailand and Cambodia cannot help but become in some way ‘attached’ to either or both countries. It’s impossible to be unmoved by the sights, smells and tastes that flood the s...
Book Ship, MV Doulos, Arrives in Sihanoukville 10 Jul 2009 | 06:58 pm
The Education Ship MVDOULOS arrived into the port of Sihanoukville today, 10th July, for it’s fifth visit to the town since 1987. At 95 year old vessel, only two years younger than the HMS Titanic, M...
Latest news from the Golden Lion Plaza 22 Jun 2009 | 05:43 am
Finally found the time to write something about the changes here in Golden Lion Plaza. As some of you will know, I’ve taken over the Kiss Bar (3rd Bar on the right) and have been here since the start...
Hotels in Sihanoukville 23 May 2009 | 04:44 pm
Coolabah Resort Sihanoukville (Ochheuteal Beach) Coolabah Resort Sihanoukville The Coolabah Resort is a newly opened International standard hotel with quality large bedrooms tastefully furnished and...
Pol Pot’s Potty, buy today! 19 May 2009 | 09:04 pm
On the anniversary of Pol Pot’s birth, you can now buy his toilet. Phnom Penh – A former Khmer Rouge official photographer has put on sale for 1.5 million dollars what he claims to be Pol Pot’s cloth...
Cambodian Driving Laws or the Lack Of 19 May 2009 | 06:55 pm
Having spent over a year and a half in Cambodia, much of which has been behind the handlebars of one motorbike or another, I feel it’s time to pass on a few thoughts and observations on Cambodian traf...