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Brazil and India Lead the Way in Everyday Use of Biometrics 26 Aug 2013 | 11:50 pm
If “The Graduate” were made today, the advice given to Benjamin by the cocktail party guest Mr. McGuire wouldn’t be to go into plastics, but rather into sensors. As the prices for various types of se...
Scientists Grow Teeth Using Stem Cells – Harvested From Urine? 26 Aug 2013 | 08:57 pm
Adults lose teeth due to poor hygiene, aging, disease or accidents. Traditionally, prosthetics are used to replace part or all of a lost tooth. But wouldn’t it be better if we could simply regrow l...
Korean Road Wirelessly Charges New Electric Buses 25 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
Electric vehicles still have limited range, expensive batteries, and few charging stations. While mainstream manufacturers seek to improve battery tech, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tec...
Already in Use in Canada and India, Iris Scans Get Thumbs-Up in U.S. Government Study 23 Aug 2013 | 08:39 pm
In the search for forms of identification that can’t be forged, biometric scans have been an enduring source of interest. But which parts of an individual’s anatomy are truly unchangeable, even as he...
Spaceport America Ramping Up For Projected Space Tourism Boom 22 Aug 2013 | 11:47 pm
It was just over a century ago that the Wright brothers developed a flying machine that lifted them into the air, which would evolve into today’s safer-than-ever airline industry that saw 37.5 million...
Study Suggests Copper May Be the Culprit in Alzheimer’s Disease 21 Aug 2013 | 08:20 pm
Recent research on Alzheimer’s disease suggests that the illness may be more common than previously thought, especially in advanced old age. With life spans extending, research into the prevention and...
Tiny Lab-Grown Heart Beats On Its Own 20 Aug 2013 | 11:49 pm
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death worldwide, and doctors have struggled to find effective treatments. Heart failure, an especially dire form of illness in which the organ ceases...
Americans Polled on Radical Life Extension—56% Wouldn’t Undergo Treatments to Live Longer 20 Aug 2013 | 08:24 pm
Printed in bold, no-nonsense lettering across the cover, a recent issue of National Geographic proclaimed, “This Baby Will Live to Be 120.” No question mark. The notion that impending medical discover...
Musk: To be a Multi-Planetary Species, We Need To Develop Reusable Rockets 19 Aug 2013 | 08:30 pm
You’ve probably read it before. The cost to launch stuff into orbit is astronomical. Cliché, but true. Rockets are seriously complicated and costly machines—yet, they’re currently used once and thrown...
Solar Continued Exponential Growth in 2012, But Politics May Stymie Growth 18 Aug 2013 | 01:03 pm
At any given moment, the sun bathes the earth in enough solar energy to meet its power needs 10,000 times over. The challenge lies in capturing and converting that energy into usable electricity. And,...