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Just Wanted to Inform You All Via Video 1 Aug 2012 | 11:22 am
That I will temporarily be absent from blogging about my travels due to health reasons. I really need to get my health under control. What I am going through is one of the many reasons why I want to b...
Are You Motivated to Exercise During Travel? (GIVEAWAY) 22 Jul 2012 | 12:27 am
For me, it depends. If I am traveling to a country where I will be doing tons of walking, ie, Paris, then no, I don’t workout. When cruising or staying on a resort that offers the amenities such as...
San Pedro- Seeing is BELIZEing 14 Jul 2012 | 12:54 pm
Round trip plane ticket to Belize City, Belize- $750.00 Water taxi to San Pedro/Ambergis Caye, Belize- $17.50 Full plate of rice and beans, stew chicken, split pea soup, and plantains- $10.00 Getti...
What Say You- Groupon or Living Social? 11 Jul 2012 | 01:22 pm
During an interaction with some associates, the topic of Groupon and Living Social for travel was discussed and debated. I am one who is skeptical of many ‘discounted deals’ especially when it comes t...
And The Winner Is… (Donde Estoy? Contest/Giveaway) 24 Jun 2012 | 01:15 am
Congratulations to Crystal Collier who answered the question to my ‘Donde Estoy’ contest video on youtube, which was BELIZE!!! I will be sharing my 6 day experience with you all soon. Thanks to all ...
Oh, Montmartre! 21 Jun 2012 | 10:20 am
Day 4 in Paris started off much better than Day 3. For starters, I didn’t step in any dog crap (yay!) on the sidewalk. I credit this to looking down more as I walked. Some people probably assumed I wa...
Arrival at the Eiffel 18 May 2012 | 11:51 am
(Hey, that rhymed ) The advice to heed on one’s first day in Paris is to not fall asleep until it’s bedtime. Well, right after this video was made, I did just the opposite. Despite my efforts to stay...
Paris, Day 2 : If These Dogs Could Talk 15 May 2012 | 11:08 am
‘So, dogs, did you enjoy Paris?’ Dogs: ‘&*%$#*(@!!!’ Me: ‘Oh, wow…sorry I asked…’ Were you able to make that out? Well, if not my dogs are livid because they hurt SO bad walking around the city of P...
Lord, Please Keep This Plane Up When It’s Supposed To Be… 11 Mar 2012 | 03:00 am
and let it come down at the right time. I tell you, after all of the times I’ve flown, nothing can ever prepare me for turbulence. On my way to Paris, France I connected in Charlotte, NC and was rushe...
Okay, let’s see… 7 Feb 2012 | 04:31 pm
There I was, at work two days before leaving for Roatan, Honduras for my 32nd birthday and I received a call from my GI doctor. The previous week, my nurse practitioner scheduled a CT scan for me. I d...