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Ketosis and Improved Sleep Quality 27 Mar 2010 | 02:47 pm
In another article I wrote how ketosis can help you sleep less. A general idea that I mention on this website is that improved sleep quality can lower your sleep need. Sleep quality is often measured...
Polyphasic Sleep 15 Mar 2010 | 12:04 pm
“Polyphasic Sleep” refers to the practice of sleeping multiples times a day, usually with the goal of reducing total sleep time. The original idea was that perhaps by splitting up the 8-hour chunk of...
Use Ketosis to Train Your Brain to Sleep Less 20 Jan 2009 | 02:39 pm
Learning to get by on less sleep is not an uncommon goal. Some people claim that sleep gets in the way of life — more time awake means more productivity, and more time to work on goals and hobbies. A...
What Are the Causes of Insomnia? 18 Nov 2008 | 08:03 pm
What are the causes of insomnia? Most people think it’s stress, anxiety, or depression. In some cases, stress can cause insomnia. But insomnia is generally not caused by one factor. Insomnia itself i...
Brain Waves & Brainwave Entrainment 11 Nov 2008 | 08:28 pm
One pet peeve I have is when people use the word “brain waves” without really knowing what they are. A lot of people into meditation talk about “brainwaves”, but probably couldn’t answer the question ...
Secrets to a Healthy Diet, Food, & Sleep 22 Oct 2008 | 09:12 am
Looking for a good night's sleep? Try changing your diet. What constitutes “healthy eating”, and how can a healthy diet improve sleep quality? A healthy diet is an often neglected component of i...
3 Dream Hacks to Improve Vividness And Recall 15 Sep 2008 | 06:24 am
Some say dreaming has become a lost art in our modern world. The fascination and religious fervor associated with fantasy and mythology of ancient cultures is lost to our technological society. But wh...
The Caveman’s Guide to Quality Sleep 9 Sep 2008 | 08:52 am
Grok is smiling because he slept well last night. Cavemen slept well. Or at least I think they did. They must have. They had no artificial lighting, no central heating, no junk food… They exercised...
Matcha Green Tea 5 Sep 2008 | 08:58 am
I loooooooove Matcha green tea. For the uninitiated, Matcha green tea is a Japanese tea that comes in powder form. The health benefits of Matcha tea are staggering when compared to normal green teas. ...
Euphoric Music 2 Sep 2008 | 12:42 pm
In my Sleep Hacks eBook I talked a lot about euphoric music. If you haven’t read the eBook, you might wonder how music is in any way related to sleep. Well, here’s the basic theory: When you first wa...