Solarwaterheaters - - SUNSHOWER INTERNATIONAL SINCE 1998

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Think "Green," Think "No Cost Energy," Think "Sustainable," Think "Smart,"Think "SOLAR" for all your hot water heating needs 29 Dec 2007 | 05:18 am
The High-Tech Vacuum Tube Solar Water Heater is a product that will surprise, amaze, and impress you. It produces identically hot water as conventional heaters but without any energy cost. It is the i...
How the Heater Works and Putting it Together 28 Dec 2007 | 07:16 am
Solar Water Heaters in Modern Construction 27 Dec 2007 | 09:42 am
How They Work and everything else you need to know! 26 Dec 2007 | 05:37 am
How Much Does It Cost 25 Dec 2007 | 10:31 am
25 gallon 3 season model pictured is CND$995 (FOB Oshawa, Ontario, Canada) 750 gallon commercial unit is approximately CND$8995(FOB Oshawa, Ontario, Canada), but depends on quantities ordered.
Solar Heater Plumbing Diagram 24 Dec 2007 | 08:59 am
Frequently Asked Questions 21 Dec 2007 | 01:36 pm
1. What is the Sunshower High Tech Solar Water Heater? The Sunshower High Tech Solar Water Heater is a product that uses the highest and most effective solar water heating technology according to the...
Heater Installed with a Pressurized Cold Water Feed 21 Dec 2007 | 09:26 am
Since the heater is a non-pressurized system, the cold water pressure must be removed before the water flows to the heater. In the installation pictured, this is done by feeding the pressurized water ...
An Outdoor Shower Idea 21 Dec 2007 | 05:55 am
No Room Inside? How about a SHOWER SHACK" to add a Whimsy Outdoorsy Ambience to the Cottage Atmosphere! The Whimsy Outdoor Shower Shack Helen in Shower Shack to show scale The 5 ft. X 5 ft. proj...
Heater Plumbed for Year-Round Use 21 Dec 2007 | 05:20 am
Installation at Annandale Bed and Breakfast, PEI Designed and installed by James Howlett of Aquatech Plumbing, Annandale PEI Permanent outdoor placement of Sunshower High Tech Solar Water Heater for ...