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Our Class Trip 14 Jun 2013 | 02:36 am
Daisies Class are very excited about their class trip to Gore Farm, and have started a count down.
Year 2 Poetry Book Published 31 Mar 2013 | 04:22 pm
In the autumn term some of the Year 2s wrote poems about the seasons. We entered them into a young poet competition and some of them were selected to be published in the Young Writers book Sense Poetr...
Somerton host first ever football match! 15 Mar 2013 | 05:16 pm
On Thursday 14th March, Somerton Infant School hosted their first ever football match. The children attending the after school football club invited children from Hindhayes school to play a friendly m...
Daisies Class celebrate St. David’s Day 1 Mar 2013 | 07:13 pm
Daisies Class have celebrated St. David’s Day. Throughout the week the children have been painting beautiful daffodil pictures using watercolours. Then on Thursday afternoon they made welshcakes ready...
Science Club starts! 21 Feb 2013 | 09:34 pm
This week the Year Two clubs started. In science club this got off to a slimey start and we even made it snow indoors on a very sunny day! I wonder what will happen next week!!
Daffodils are in the newspaper 18 Jan 2013 | 03:27 pm
On Thursday Daffodils had their photograph taken in front of their new classroom for the Western Gazette. We are all very happy with the new classroom, so wanted everyone to see how wonderful it is. L...
School Closure 18 Jan 2013 | 01:37 pm
Friday 18th January 2013. School closed today in conjunction with Monteclefe Junior School, due to transport and safety implications for children and staff. Have a good weekend.
Published Poetry 12 Jan 2013 | 06:19 pm
Congratulations to some of the Year Two pupils who have managed to get their poems published in a poetry book. Mrs Walmsley’s literacy group wrote poems called ‘The Seasons’ which we entered into a na...
Goodbye Mrs Taylor 4 Jan 2013 | 06:29 pm
As we said goodbye to another year at Somerton Infants we also very sadly said goodbye to Mrs Taylor who has chosen to retire. Mrs Taylor has worked at Somerton Infants for many years and has been res...
Happy New Year 4 Jan 2013 | 02:26 pm
Welcome back everyone. Thank you for the lovely gifts we received. We will all be returning to school smelling beautifully, but considerably heavier! Mrs Thompson, Mrs Holm, Mrs Lawrence & Mrs Elliott