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The welcome intruder -Daniel Brühl at Spot- 15 Nov 2011 | 11:02 am
The door opens, a young man enters the room. He gleefully pulls on his cigarette. Hey I’m here, Daniel. None other than Daniel Brühl is with us today in SPOT Studio Barcelona. In cooperation with neo...
My head could use some cooling! 14 Jun 2011 | 09:09 pm
Imagine – you have a space where you can realize your production needs without limits. Imagine – you feel as cosy as in your own living room. Spot Studio Barcelona is your playground. Here we present...
ZACUTO Z-Finder Pro 3x 3 Jun 2011 | 07:42 pm
The Z-Finder Pro 3x is another one of Zacuto’s Optical Viewfinders that allows DSLR cameras to have the correct form factor for video. It offers 3x focusable magnification (2.5x is available),a 40mm d...
Faces in Spotlight II -Daniel Riera- 1 Jun 2011 | 10:28 pm
Daniel Riera has worked for a variety of international publications as: Fantastic Man, The Gentlewoman, Vanity Fair, GQ Magazine, Hercules, Monocle, Stiletto, Les Cahiers Purple, A Perfect Guide, View...
We know: photography = fun 20 Apr 2011 | 02:48 am
Photos: Joan Ribo; Eva Trigo What have a stylist, a model, a professor and students in common? Lot´s of fun! We invited the Institut D´Estudis Fotográfics de Catalunya IEFC ( to a pro...
Calling for Entry Best European Photographer 14 Apr 2011 | 10:16 pm
The FEP (Federation of European Photographers) opens the door for the annual competition, sponsored by Epson. There will be six categories to compete in: Wedding; Commercial; Portrait; Reportage; Land...
Book Recommendation of the month 8 Apr 2011 | 08:53 pm
A usual day in spring 2010 in Germany. 400 photographer captured at the same day their personal interpretation and point of view. The result is an impressive volume of book that shows the diversity an...
Spot visits Sonimagfoto 2011 24 Mar 2011 | 03:21 am
Doors open for Sonimagphoto 2011. Unfortunately this year we cannot present big news. Especially within the professional level did not show up with big innovations. Samsung presents digital cameras ...
Bruce Davidson wins Sony World Photographers Award 12 Mar 2011 | 01:21 am
Magnum photographer Bruce Davidson will receive the Outstanding Contribution to Photography Award at this year’s Sony World Photographer Awards. Congratulations, Finally!
Is anybody there? 1 Mar 2011 | 05:11 am
Indeed, here we are. SPOT presents last campaign, filmed in our SPOT STUDIO BARCELONA. Once more a production company decided to shoot in our cosy studio atmosphere. If you want to present your busin...