Srinivaskatam - - Srinivas Katam - Digital Marketing Strategist

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Google Fixes Definition URLs, Makes Them Clickable Links 9 Jan 2013 | 11:09 am
Google was introduced a different format last month for the definitions it sometimes displays at the top of its search results, something was missing. The [...]
Getting a start on New Year plan 1 Jan 2013 | 08:00 pm
Everyone who follows me knows that this is somewhat that I do, not only as a habit, but because it gets me motivated to step [...]
Happy New Year’s Day 2013 31 Dec 2012 | 07:23 am
compare both folders, files and merging tool for Windows 7 Sep 2012 | 01:34 pm
To find differences between two text files use online services like DiffNow or programs like WinMerge What else can I do with DiffNow? DiffNow also lets you compare: [...]
Official: Google Panda 3.9 Refresh 27 Jul 2012 | 03:25 pm
Last night, at 7pm EDT, Google announced they pushed out a refresh for the Google Panda algorithm. Here are the past Google Panda updates: Panda 3.9 on July [...]
6 Common Advertising Phrases To Be Wary Of 17 Jul 2012 | 05:06 pm
Article taken from Yahoo: Marketing tactics for big companies differ quite substantially compared to marketing techniq...
Windows 8 computers to go on sale in October 10 Jul 2012 | 11:59 am
Source Yahoo News: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Computers running on the next version of Microsoft’s Windows operating system will go on sale in October. Microsoft [...]
Millions of LinkedIn passwords reportedly leaked online 7 Jun 2012 | 10:43 am
The content rights goes to A hacker says he’s posted 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords on the Web — hot on the heels of security researchers’ [...]
Users crowd to Google Drive Cloud Storage Platform 16 May 2012 | 05:04 pm
Global Equities Research reports that Google Drive signups are off to a “very strong start, with probably about 35 million to 40 million signups in [...]
200 Free URL Shorteners 15 Apr 2012 | 02:22 am
URL Shorteners are very helpful service for bloggers/social media marketers. Because you can simply shorten long URLs into small URLs with these free URLs shortening [...]