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Israeli mobile startups to showcase their technology in the Silicon Valley 28 Apr 2011 | 07:27 pm
The California Israel Chamber of Commerce (CICC) chose 15 Israeli mobile startups to participate in a delegation to meet with industry leaders, investment firms, technology giants and partners from Ma...
YoungStartups 2011 venture summit 8 Feb 2011 | 09:01 pm
YoungStartups 2011 (held in NYC on March 29-30th, 2011) is a Venture Summit that will bring together over 350 Venture Capitalists, Corporate VCs, Angel Investors, Investment Bankers, Incubator Manager...
A new startup competition to give €25,000 and experts advice 21 Apr 2010 | 12:46 am
Promising new companies can compete for the chance to take part in a boot camp and win a €25,000 prize. Organisers, f3fundit, are calling for start-ups from across the world to apply via www.f3fundit....
StartupIsrael upgraded 14 Mar 2010 | 11:27 pm
StartupIsrael was upgraded today (if anyone is interested, we upgraded to Drupal 6.x from 5.8). Most of the changes are infrastructure related so you won't notice much, but hopefully the site should b...
KaChing raised $7.5 million 21 Dec 2009 | 11:30 am
KaChing has just finished a new round of financing (led by DAG ventures), raising $7.5 million. KaChing allows you to manage a stock portfolio in the US, and share it with other users. KaChing has rec...
Greylock VC raised $575 Million 6 Nov 2009 | 10:33 pm
The Marker reports that Greylock partners just raised $575 Million. This is good news as Graylock will most likely will continue to invest in Israeli startups (one of their 3 offices is in Herzelia......
Shuki Glaser invested in FaceFu 1 Oct 2009 | 09:58 pm
FaceFu, which allows the creation of location-based social networks, has got an investment from Shuki Glaser. The Marker reports that the investment is in the range of a few hundred-thousand dollars.
Teddy Sagi to become an 'Internet' Angel 29 Sep 2009 | 07:56 pm
TheMarker reports that Teddy Sagi (from Playtech, a company that manages online casinos) is set to become a leading Web angel in Israel, and intends to invest more and more in startups. The first comp...
Virtual Tweens raised 1M$ 24 Sep 2009 | 05:17 pm
Virtual Tweens has raised 1M$, led by Gemini partners and private investors. Virtal Tweens runs an educational virtual world for kids, called Ekoloko. Via TheMarker (Hebrew)
Contigo (WeFi) raised 10M$ in second round, reached 30M$ users 7 Aug 2009 | 07:30 pm
Contigo (previously WeFi) raised 10M$ in their second round, from Pitango and Gemini. WeFi is a Wi-Fi social network service. They say they recently reached 30M$ registered users. Via TheMarker (hebr...