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Ectomorph 29 May 2013 | 03:28 pm
What is an Ectomorph?In extreme cases, the ectomorph physique is fragile and delicate. The bones are light, and the joints and muscles are slight. The ectomorph is a linear physique with long limbs, h...
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 29 May 2013 | 03:26 pm
Dumbbell Shoulder Press – Exercise Workout & TechniqueWith a pair of dumbbells in your hands, seat yourself down on a bench with back and head support. The dumbbells should be resting on your knees.En...
Dumbbell Kickbacks 29 May 2013 | 03:25 pm
Dumbbell Kickbacks Exercise – Workout & TechniquePosition yourself in readiness for this exercise with one hand holding the dumbbell and the other hand resting on a bench.Place the leg of the side you...
Dumbbell Flyes 29 May 2013 | 03:23 pm
Dumbbell Flyes – Exercise Workout & TechniqueTake position on a bench with your feet on the ground, your sacrum, head and shoulder blades making contact with the bench. Maintain your lower spine’s nat...
Dumbbell Bench Press 29 May 2013 | 03:21 pm
Dumbbell Bench Press – Exercise Workout & TechniqueMake contact on a flat bench, ensuring that your sacrum, head and shoulder blade make firm contact with the bench, and your feet are firmly on the fl...
Exercise Technique-Dips 29 May 2013 | 03:19 pm
Chest Dips – Muscles Worked & BenefitsExercise Type: Multi-jointPrimary Muscles Worked: ChestSecondary Muscles Worked: Shoulder and Triceps Many people do not think this old school exercise relates to...
Diabetes & Bodybuilding 29 May 2013 | 03:18 pm
A bodybuilding program has many benefits for people of a wide range of ages. These benefits spread across physical, physiological and mental domains. Diabetes affects 171 million people worldwide and ...
Perfect Training Program Designin 29 May 2013 | 03:16 pm
Strength, power, endurance and hypertrophy are all muscular adaptations that are achievable via resistance training. The only thing that changes is the way the variables are manipulated. By variables,...
Training Deltoid 29 May 2013 | 03:13 pm
Deltoid Training For BodybuildersOne of the fundamental aspects of bodybuilding is creating an illusion. That is, to give the impression that you are bigger, or wider, than you actually are. This is e...
Decline Dumbbell Press 29 May 2013 | 03:11 pm
Decline Dumbbell Press – Muscles Worked & BenefitsExercise Type: Multi-jointPrimary Muscles Worked: ChestSecondary Muscles Worked: Shoulders and Triceps The Decline Dumbbell Press is perhaps one of th...