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We’re No. 1! (OK, OK…We’re the Only One) 2 Nov 2010 | 05:46 pm
We admit it — when we blew through Google’s new, improved and much more difficult Adwords Certification Exams with average scores of 95%, we were tempted to compare scores with our local colleagues. A...
New Adwords Certification Requirements Are Here! 27 Apr 2010 | 07:40 am
Hello, mellow fellows. Whether you’re an agency or a lone wolf Adwords guru or just an intrepid customer, you’ve probably heard that Google has revamped its Adwords certification process for agencies ...
Google Advertising for Ninjas in Rapid City, S.D., Jan. 14 1 Jan 2010 | 11:05 am
Google Advertising For Ninjas: If you’ve completed the first seminar in the series and want to take more steps to becoming a true Adwords Ninja, this is your seminar. Topics covered include: advanced ...
Google Advertising for Grasshoppers Seminar: Nov. 12 in Rapid City, S.D. 11 Nov 2009 | 08:01 am
Yes indeed, it’s the first of our Google seminars, and this time we’re presenting them on behalf of the American Advertising Federation – Black Hills chapter. It’s called “Google Advertising for Grass...
Google explains the Google Adwords ranking system 25 Sep 2009 | 09:21 am
Sometimes it makes sense to go straight to the horse’s mouth if you want something explained clearly and correctly, and today, we’re going straight to one of the top horses in Google’s stable. Hal Var...
“Google: Friend or Foe?” slideshow available 24 Sep 2009 | 03:21 am
Greetings to all who saw our presentation at the American Advertising Federation meeting here in Rapid City! It was good to see all of you, and I look forward to your followups both on Facebook and in...
Google Adwords Seminars: Now in South Dakota! 28 Jun 2009 | 06:20 pm
That’s right, folks — no longer will South Dakota businesses be excluded from the type of primo professional development offered by Google’s “Seminars for Success.” (In fact, if you live in South Dako...