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I Made Christmas Magic, Now I Need a Nap 27 Dec 2012 | 09:39 am
Two things blowing my mind right now in a good way: Yeast! Yes I know. But I'm totally and completely amazed by it. I've made dinner rolls for Christmas eve dinner and cinnamon rolls for Christmas mor...
The first Christmas of the rest of my life. 19 Dec 2012 | 08:56 am
Almost every one of our Christmas ornaments had a story or reminded me of a time in the life I'd created with my ex and my children. We started our marriage with no ornaments and slowly collected 2 ea...
Getting Over It. 12 Dec 2012 | 08:15 am
I've had a rough week from a "Getting Over Divorce" perspective. I've had an excellent week in the "Developing a Great Relationship With Your Tween/Teen Children" perspective. Divorce and I are in a b...
Best Gifts For The Newly Divorced 6 Dec 2012 | 08:33 am
It's dark here by 5:30 during this part of winter. I know this because I race home from work to try and walk the dog before dark. I rarely make it. Last year, when I was still getting used to...
Questionable Choices In Dating: 3 Dec 2012 | 06:39 am
People I Chose to Avoid After First or Second Dates: Understandable or Too Picky Has lived in Southeast Michigan entire life. Has never been to another state or country except Ohio to visit family. He...
The Saddest Divorce Gifts. 19 Jul 2012 | 11:25 am
In the last 11 months I've felt the absence of certain things in my life, some practical and others very emotional. Divorce is hard and maybe you want to help out that friend going through it. This li...
Ups and downs 17 Jul 2012 | 08:29 am
It's to be expected that, when you lose your life as you knew it and always thought it would be, it's a game of ups and downs. Polite people in society pretend they don't hurt. They talk to their frie...
Almost a year. 29 Jun 2012 | 10:24 pm
I realized the other day this is around the time when everything started to fall apart. So yesterday I went through my Facebook timeline and it was hard to read. I'm not going to talk specifics but th...
The hardest parts. 7 May 2012 | 12:20 pm
I was trying to keep on the positive arc I was on since January but I'm stumbling. A short list of some of the most heart wrenching moments in this process: Hearing about my son celebrating his birthd...
The things I've learned: 2 May 2012 | 02:15 pm
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I thought I was feeling a little depleted and would rebound but it appears I'm in another level of grief and I'm not bouncing out of it as fast as I'd like....