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Weekly Roundup (08/23/13) 23 Aug 2013 | 10:55 pm
Matt Krefting – High Hopes (2013) Sometimes, the weights we’ve been chosen to carry are so ponderous that our only source of solace is sleep. To fully cherish our break from the slog, though, we’ve g...
Time Has Told Me: Carl Stone – Woo Lae Oak (1983) 22 Aug 2013 | 09:21 pm
Staring the motions dead in the eye, we could be forgiven for feeling like they aren’t headed anywhere. There simply isn’t much progress to be drawn from one day to the next. The course that’s set ov...
My Little Corner Of The World – Volume 201 20 Aug 2013 | 08:45 pm
John Adams – Shaker Loops/Phrygian Gates (1980) If we knew that the isolated frames of our day-to-day weren’t so isolated after all, that they banded together to paint a portrait far vaster than we c...
Weekly Roundup (08/16/13) 16 Aug 2013 | 11:09 pm
Laura Marling – Once I Was An Eagle (2013) When Laura Marling begins to drop lines from Bob Dylan into ‘Master Hunter’, the fifth song of an opening suite of stunning music that few artists will ever...
Time Has Told Me: Junior Kimbrough – Sad Days, Lonely Nights (1993) 15 Aug 2013 | 10:52 pm
The blues wouldn’t have endured if we could just up and ditch them at our convenience. They run much deeper and thus prove much tougher to shake than your average setback — the sort of anguish that f...
My Little Corner Of The World – Volume 200 13 Aug 2013 | 09:07 pm
Memphis Minnie – Hoodoo Lady (1933-1937) (1991) Bringing together delta tradition and Chicago blues, Memphis Minnie was a significant artist even without giving consideration to her gender. Recording...
Weekly Roundup (08/09/13) 9 Aug 2013 | 10:20 pm
Jon Collin – High Peak Selections (2013) Rolling with the punches appears simple enough as a tactic, but following them into the fog is dicey. We can’t see ahead worth a lick and the voice of reason ...
Time Has Told Me: Lee Hazlewood – Trouble Is A Lonesome Town (1963) 8 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
Our everyday worries don’t concern anyone else because they’re saddled with their own. However, that knowledge does little to appease our disquiet. These misgivings eat us alive, slowly, growing to g...
My Little Corner Of The World – Volume 199 6 Aug 2013 | 10:05 pm
Talk Talk – Laughing Stock (1991) The Talk Talk that most people know resides in synth-pop singles like ‘It’s My Life’, which dominated MTV and the radio during the new wave boom of the early 80s. To...
Weekly Roundup (08/02/13) 2 Aug 2013 | 09:31 pm
Yong Yandsen – Disillusion (2013) We could hurtle into all-out rhapsody or float toward more tranquil realms, but the truth is neither of those poles will endure. Nothing does, actually, which is why...