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Flint and Steel: What Causes the Sparks? 28 May 2012 | 01:03 am
Starting a fire with flint and steel (the steel is also known as a “firesteel”) brings to mind the image of self-sufficient mountain men in the wilderness. A rite of passage that ties you to wilderne...
How to Find the North Star 27 May 2012 | 09:44 am
For many thousands of years Polaris has been used as a guiding star and reference point for navigators and astronomers. Through experience and observation they discovered the North Star lights the way...
How to Make a Zeppelin Bend Knot 27 May 2012 | 05:36 am
Of all the knots used to tie two ropes together the Zeppelin Bend is the best bar none. And chances are you have never heard of it! In this Survival Topic we will discuss one of the best knots of all ...
The Dakota Fire Hole 27 May 2012 | 12:51 am
A little known survival aid related to wilderness fire making skills is the Dakota Fire Hole, also known as the Dakota Fire Pit. This handy device is easy to construct and has marked advantages over o...
Winter Survival Shelter De-Constructed 25 May 2012 | 11:35 am
Winter Survival Shelter This guide from will show you how to quickly build an emergency survival shelter for cold weather survival. Using this method you can survive extreme cold ...
Boresighting a Rifle 21 Apr 2012 | 05:43 am
On a snowy day last winter I mounted a Leupold scout scope to a new Ruger Gunsite Scout bolt-action rifle chambered in .308. In this Survival Topic I will show you how the boresighting of the rifle a...
Edible Pine Bark 21 Jun 2005 | 09:08 pm
Ever eat a tree? Survival Topics will show you how. Where others starve, expert survivors find food; often in plentiful supply from sources few people know about. To survive where others fail you nee...
Clean Your Cooking Gear with Wood Ashes 21 Jun 2005 | 08:06 pm
Using wood ashes as a cleaning agent makes alot of sense: they are readily available, free, and relatively safe for the environment when compared to many types of soap. In this Survival Topic we will...
Bannock 21 Jun 2005 | 05:13 am
Bannock has been a staple food of wilderness explorers, prospectors, soldiers, and trappers for centuries. Portable, nutritious, tasty and easy to make while surviving in the outdoors, bannocks legen...
Balsam Fir Pitch 21 Jun 2005 | 12:57 am
In wilderness survival knowing how to utilize trees like the balsam fir can enhance your ability to survive. Uses for the balsam fir tree for wilderness survival are so numerous that a complete invent...