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The new iPad -- A Bigger Photography Announcement than Expected 8 Mar 2012 | 10:37 am
I just finsihed watching the coverage of the announcement of the new iPad. (Yes that's right, it's not the iPad 3, not the iPad HD, it's "The new iPad.") It was mostly what was expected. I wasn't sure...
Why my iPad is Like my Canon SLR 7 Mar 2012 | 01:55 pm
... or Why I'll likely be getting an iPad 3 (or iPad HD) & not an Android Tablet The iPad has certainly captured the tablet market. It is getting some competition, although little successful direct c...
Top 10 Photo Accessories for your New iPad 26 Dec 2010 | 06:38 am
So you just got a new iPad for Christmas and you want to find out how to use it with your camera. Maybe you got a new camera and you want to know how to use it with your iPad. Here's are some ideas. I...
Farewell Kodachrome 28 Jul 2010 | 07:58 pm
I would be remiss if I didn't note the passing of Kodachrome film. (OK I realize some of you may be too young to remember Kodachrome, or even .... film, but to you, all I can say is Wikipedia.) If y...
My LensWork Disappointment and Some IPad Insight 6 Jun 2010 | 10:09 pm
In a recent post on the LensWork Technology blog, Brooks Jensen is saying that he doesn't, at this time anyway, plan developing something for the iPad. This is rather ironic since this was probably TH...
PhotoPad App Review 17 May 2010 | 03:04 am
In the next couple posts I'm going to review two of the photo editing Apps that I have on my iPad. The first is PhotoPad. PhotoPad is a free app from Zagg, the makers of the Invisible Shield protecti...
The Potential for iPad Competition Lives 16 May 2010 | 09:49 am
Competition is usually good for the consumer. Without competition from the likes of Google's Nexus One and others, would we be on the verge of the release of what looks like a new iPhone with what p...
ShutterSnitch App Review -- Sort of 10 May 2010 | 03:55 am
I purchased ShutterSnitch for my wife along with an Eye-Fi card. I thought it would be a great way to automatically, and wirelessly, transfer the images from her camera (which is SD Card-based) to he...
Will the iPad Drive More Microstock Video Sales? 6 May 2010 | 11:45 am
Dave at the MicroStuck blog has an article with some interesting comments on how the iPad might impact the sales of microstock video sales. I think he's right in that it will likely drive more video ...
HP Slate and Microsoft Courier Killed? 2 May 2010 | 07:42 am
Numerous reports are surfacing that HP has killed development of their Slate table PC and that Microsoft has killed their Courier project as well. See articles at sites such as ComputerWorld, Engadge...