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What makes a good UX designer? 26 May 2011 | 07:30 am
Photo courtesy of Sorensiim I have always had this post at the back of my mind and often check myself against the qualities I have listed here. Of course I fail in some of them, but if you can aim to...
A UX design framework to address contextual needs 8 Sep 2010 | 06:34 am
Photo courtesy of Brandon Shigeta User flow (user pathways) have become so important to the experience of a site that they go beyond standard best practices. Their difficulty to architect for, gives...
UX Design Framework – Persuasion 7 Sep 2010 | 11:33 pm
Previously I have written about Content, Behaviour, Visual Design and Interaction. The fifth element – Persuasion, is a part of the UX design framework that has many darker, or manipulative connotatio...
Visual/UX Designer 28 Feb 2012 | 08:07 am
First, see what our users say: We’ve got addicted users, incredible investors, and are now putting together a “hot team.” What is a “hot” team, you ask? ...
[Android] Printable A4 GUI Sketching Kit – Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus 20 Dec 2011 | 03:15 am
Details Besides the Android ICS GUI Design Kit that can be used in Adobe Photoshop, I also think (and love!) that sketching is a big part of UI/UX designing, while it can be messy, but it definitely ...
Should Nicolas develop a community around Walmart? 24 Mar 2012 | 05:48 am
Nicolas, a Pillar 2 student based in Chile and our resident UX/design expert, made a coaching appointment with me last week. We discussed a handful of issues. 1). Should he advocate for the launch...
UX Designers: Ghosts in the Room 11 Oct 2011 | 04:53 am
When she taught writing, Jen Dary would start with a quote from Steven King describing writing as telepathy: “I never opened my mouth and you never opened yours. We’re not even in the same year togeth...
Layers: a tale of use and abuse 16 Sep 2011 | 05:20 am
Layers, lightboxes, floaty things, call ‘em what you want: they are a major tool in a UX designers toolbox. When used well, they provide a fast, inline experience saving users’ browsers and brains fro...
[Video] Google destroyed 25 Computers 16 Dec 2010 | 02:10 am
Ο Glen Murphy, UX designer του Chrome, παρουσιάζει κάποια πλεονεκτήματα του να χρησιμοποιεί κάποιος ένα Chrome notebook, ενώ παράλληλα καταστρέφει 25 υπολογιστές. Αυτό που κρατάμε είναι ότι αν και κατ...
Le UX Design expliqué au Docteur Watson 12 Jul 2010 | 06:42 pm
Lorsqu’il s’installe un peu par hasard avec Sherlock Holmes, le Dr Watson essaye de comprendre à quel curieux travail s’adonne son colocataire, qui semble avoir des connaissances très précises dans ce...