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Trey’s makin’ $40,000 off mobile apps! WFT? 26 Mar 2012 | 01:53 pm
I’ve been playing with iPhone and Mac Apps for a while, and it’s been a lot of fun – and relatively profitable! but, Trey Smith just released some stats and he is making $700 per day with VIDEO GAMES ...
Staffordshire IT Create APP for Total Choice Radio 27 Mar 2012 | 12:54 am
Staffordshire IT are proud to have created a new APP for Total Choice Radio FM of Tamworth (visit TCR FM are a local community radio station, run by volunteers, and not-for-profit an...
App Developers Struggle To Turn a Profit (Infographic) 3 May 2012 | 06:39 am
I’ve been throwing ideas around for some time about starting a mobile app. It seems like technology start ups are on the rise and I want to capitalize off of this moving trend. This infographic deters...
Lesson #1: Monday, October 24′ 2011 at 1 PM EST and 9 PM EST 22 Oct 2011 | 06:16 am
Topic: How to Get thousands of subscribers, Make Massive Cash, and Work 37-Minute Per day — No List, No Experience, No Prior Marketing Skills Needed! The Kaizenology’s Traffic & Profit System ROADMAP...
Profiling CSS for fun and profit. Optimization notes. 5 Jan 2012 | 09:03 am
I’ve been recently working on optimizing performance of a so-called one-page web app. The application was highly dynamic, interactive, and was heavily stuffed with new CSS3 goodness. I’m not talking j...
What makes a great app? 29 May 2012 | 10:45 am
When people think about a successful app, the first thing that comes to mind is usually “I Wonder how much they’re making?” What does Downshift consider successful? Well, not ONLY profits, but they c...
Google Apps for Non-Profits 10 May 2010 | 09:52 am
Google Apps has been adopted by thousands of users over the last year and the large majority of those users will never go back to their old solution. While I believe that Google Apps is great first st...
Earn click income with free APP 10 Jul 2010 | 01:24 pm
Share the concept and profit! How many conversations have you had in the last month about the declining economy? Are you among the record numbers looking for ways to replace, diversify, or surpass th...
Article publié dans le journal québécois L’Objecteur de croissance, automne 2011, numéro 10, vol. 4. Dans le monde restreint du tourisme alternatif, il arrive souvent que l’on utilise différentes app...
Cas des sociétés de 250 salariés et plus 20 Jan 2010 | 05:10 am
Par l’article 230 H du Code général des impôts, créé par la Loi n°2009-1437 du 24 novembre 2009 – art. 27 (V), il est institué au profit du Fonds national de développement et de modernisation de l’app...